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With many of us losing all forms of income during these uncertain times, one of the hardest hit is the public relations sector dealing with events which invariable can have up to 100 - 1000 guests in attendance. One publicist, Christine Peake the CEO of Santa Monica PR firm peakPRgroup decided to take matters into her own hands and create her own spin on her sudden loss of work. "All my red carpet events were suddenly cancelled, events which I had spent months working on. I...
Whether or not you adhere to Aristotle's dictum on the unexamined life not worth living, you've likely noticed that, like mine, your life is 30% less fun than it was prior to March. My primary social life is Trader Joes-- btw big standing "O" for all food supply workers. The grocery market is the new town square. Conversations with people are upbeat and compassionate despite the disconnect concealing smiles at each other from behind our masks. We are smiling, you can see it th...
In a viral video, an ER doctor who works in New York City claims ventilators kill people by pushing too much oxygen into unaffected lungs. According to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell Covid-19 might be about the hemoglobin not being able to transport oxygen, as opposed to the lungs being infected. Doctor Kyle-Sidell was transferred from ICU to ER after he appealed to the hospital management to change the treatment protocol. So he went online and issued an appeal to all health workers...
A woman wrote us today that she is suffering from an acute medical problem of the female variety. She needs an obstetrician to perform a hysterectomy on her. It will not wait, she is in great discomfort, she writes. She is told she has 4 fibroids the size of grapefruits, she says. The woman went to a local emergency room today. "You are not bleeding, hence this is not an emergency. Here's some codeine. Thank you, please go home now and shelter in place like everyone else."...