Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Hundreds Fill St. Monica's Catholic Church to Mourn the Loss of Kelly Cano

Her death, which is still unexplained, left mourners searching for their faith.

St. Monica's Catholic Church was overflowing with crowds, as hundreds of family members, friends and classmates came to mourn the unexplained loss of a beautiful teenage girl name Kelly Cano.

She was remembered as a kind, conscientious and loving member of her family and of the broader community.

The emotionally charged ceremony saw family members and friends alike leave the church heads bowed under the weight of this sudden tragic loss. A loss that brought a community together to grieve.

Her death, which is still unexplained, left the crowd grasping for meaning and searching for their faith. Someone taken so young has tested faith across the millenia and in every part of the world.

All religions, it has been said, are an attempt to answer such unanswerable questions as the reason behind the sudden death of a kind and loving teenager.

The Los Angeles County coroner's office has not determined a cause of death for Kelly Cano. Kelly's mother, a school nurse at SMMUSD, told the LA Times that her daughter fell ill last week over two to three days. She was nauseous and vomiting, but it seemed like a common illness. Then last Saturday morning, Kelly stopped breathing. She was taken to the hospital, where she died despite exhaustive resuscitation efforts.

A SamoHi Sophomore named Vanai Jelks died on October 25th, 2016 in similarly unexplained circumstances. Officials have not made any connection between the two sudden and unexplained tragedies. A Norovirus outbreak at John Adams Middle School is being investigated by the LA County Department of Public Health, which has also not been linked by officials to either death.


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