Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Should I Sue or Should I Not?

What should a prisoner do when a nurse accidentally drops her from a stretcher?

I just don't know how anyone maintains any interest in fiction when real life is so damned riveting. I have a dilemma on my hands. Should I practice the simple principle of forgiveness? Or should I file a suit for personal injury?? I know you have a thousand questions, so let me explain ...

I'm a seizure patient. I have been for a long time. Last week, I suffered a seizure and, per medical standard procedure, from the floor where I lay, I was placed on a stretcher and taken to the waiting ambulance outside of the building. The stretcher is particularly heavy with hydraulics to lift it up to the ambulance. Something went wrong. The apparatus flipped, with my body hitting the concrete, banging my head. The impact of the stretcher landing on top of me crushed my left ankle. Visible swelling and bruising appeared immediately.The nurse had to cut the straps holding me onto this thing. An incident report was done.

This is a clear case of neglegnce by this nurse who was lacking training with the equipment she was using. Also, I believe more than one nurse should have been sent to my medical emergency.

So, now I am meditating on whether to file suit and possibly end this nurse's career. Or practice forgiveness. The type of forgiveness I'd like to receive if I ever make a huge mistake. I'm now walking on crutches. Which are much harder to use than they look. I never knew how much work they are.

At this point in my life, I look at all things from a spiritual point. The golden rule. I can make a big deal out of this. Or I can do absolutely nothing at all. I can grant this nurse a total pass like it never happened.


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