Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Trouble in Santa Cruz, Colombia Increases the Price of Imported Clothing, Wave of Violence in Ecuador and Other Stories

InterAmerican Watch discusses Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Cuba and their attempts at Democracy and Governance


Civic determine indefinite unemployment throughout the country by the census in 2023

Citizens from all over the country met yesterday (Wednesday) and decided to give the Government 72 hours to repeal Supreme Decree 4760, lift the siege of the Santa Cruz capital, set up a dialogue table and pacify the country....Read more >>


The Conade and the civic unite for the census; strikes and work stoppages announced

The country's civic committees, the National Committee for the Defense of Democracy (Conade), legislators and other citizen platforms came together to demand a census in 2023. They warned with a national civic strike and hunger strikes from Monday, in case The Government does not abrogate Supreme Decree 4760 and does not give up the siege of Santa Cruz....Read more >>


After 12 days of strike, the siege in Santa Cruz continues and the civic denounced the violent repression in Bolivia

Civic leaders and citizens denounced the "violent repression" against the people who have maintained an indefinite strike for 12 days in the department of Santa Cruz, the largest region and economic engine of Bolivia. In addition, the local newspaper El Deber confirmed, on a route to kilometer 19 of the double lane to La Guardia, at the height of the Peasant Market, in Santa Cruz, that the fence is maintained as a measure of pressure....Read more >>


Tension grows in Bolivia: the Government of Luis Arce prepares the army to intervene in Santa Cruz

The strike promoted by the civic sectors and the "fence" promoted by groups that defend the government of President Luis Arce have Santa Cruz in a critical situation between new requests for dialogue. In this context, it transpired that the Bolivian Armed Forces were summoned by Arce to participate in the siege of Santa Cruz. The Government seeks violent clashes to justify the army's action....Read more >>



Gabriel Boric presented a bill that puts an end to pension fund administrators in Chile

"The AFPs, in this reform, are finished." With this sentence, the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, announced the sending to Congress of a pension reform that puts an end to the current private fund management system....Read more >>



Gustavo Petro: draft decree to increase the value of imported clothing

A 40% tariff on clothing imports is the draft decree that the Minister of Finance, José Antonio Ocampo, and the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Germán Umaña, shared....Read more >>



Almost 400 repressive actions in Cuba, only in October

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) denounced this Thursday that during October at least 398 repressive actions against the civilian population have been registered in Cuba, of which 130 were some type of arbitrary detention and 268 other types of abuses, reports CUBANET....Read more >>



Terrorist attacks, drug trafficking and prison violence paralyze Ecuador; Lasso decrees a state of exception

Ecuador is currently experiencing a wave of violence in the provinces of Guayas and Esmeraldas that led the country's president, Guillermo Lasso, to decree a state of emergency and a curfew in an attempt to contain the violence....Read more >>


Interamerican Institute for Democracy

The myth of natural resources

When I studied international economics in the 1960s, one of the explanations offered for the wealth of a nation was its endowment of natural resources. Then, countries were perceived to be rich, or poor based on their natural resources. Nations with abundant natural resources were deemed to be rich, or potentially rich; nations poor in resources were destined to be poor....Read more >>


Xi Jinping, China and the fifth cardinal point

What took place in Beijing is the public communication, urbe et orbi, that the People's Republic of China begins a new stage, where it intends not to be just another country, but the number 1 superpower in the world, and has decided to work for it, without complex and endless.I think this goal has a date: October 1, 2049, the centenary of the People"s Republic of China, the modern version of the thousand-year-old Chinese empire, after the communists defeated the nationalists in the civil war that culminated in 1949....Read more >>


Bolivia's most important city besieged by a government that violates human rights and commits state terrorism

Santa Cruz is the most populated, most important, and most developed city in Bolivia...This city of two-million people is today the victim of a physical and economic blockade perpetrated by the 21st Century Socialism -or Castrochavism's- government that pursues an open attack violating human rights and committing State terrorism....Read more >>



Another complaint against Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in Argentina for crimes against humanity

Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, were accused of crimes against humanity before the justice system in Argentina. The accusation also includes seven officials of the regime, including the head of the National Police in Nicaragua, for being "accomplices" in the repression against the people of Nicaragua....Read more >>


Ortega prepares "Cuban-style elections" in Nicaragua, says McFields

The regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo paved the way to once again hold elections in Nicaragua tailored to their needs and with the absolute dominance of the Electoral Power, which for Arturo McFields, former Nicaraguan ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS) , they will be a "Cuban-style elections"....Read more >>


United States

The United States reminded Colombia of the crisis generated by Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

The United States said this Wednesday, about the meeting between the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro, and the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, that it respects the sovereignty of Colombia to decide its foreign relations, but reminded him of "the violations of human rights" that occurred in Venezuela....Read more >>



Venezuela Inflation Soars Over 300% in Blow to Nicolas Maduro Rebound

Inflation is roaring back in Venezuela, threatening to undermine the fragile economic recovery orchestrated by President Nicolas Maduro and rekindle a migration wave that had just begun to ease. Prices have soared at an annual rate of 359% over the past three months, according to an index compiled by Bloomberg. While that's well down from the wildest hyperinflationary highs of recent years -- the index clocked in around 300,000% back in 2019 -...Read more >>


Chavista groups ripped the nails out of students who were protesting against Diosdado Cabello's visit to Mérida

Students from the University of Los Andes (ULA) were attacked by Chavista groups when they protested against the visit of the first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, during his visit to Mérida state on Thursday, November 3. The assailants tore out their fingernails....Read more >>


The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court asked to resume the investigation for the crimes against humanity of Chavismo

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, filed a request with the agency's Preliminary Trial Chamber I requesting authorization for his Office to resume its investigation into the Situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela....Read more >>



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