Staff whisper about unexplained noises and sightings. And to be honest, it was Halloween 24/7 when he was alive
Paisley Park Studios singer Prince Rogers Nelson home and recording studio, opened to the public but only for three days. It was a test to see if the place meets local standards for traffic, parking and environmental degradation.
People who've seen it get a strange sense the singer knew it was about to open, and prepared Prince's paisley palace to be opened to the public. "Even his little red corvette is still there," mused one reporter, from ET Online. "He had a vision, and he finished it."
Prince's Sexually ambiguous symbol was very visible in the foyer as one entered.
A bedroom is bathed in purple light. Prince would have loved it. He expressed several times to his sister his desire to invite the public into the building after his death, which of course occurred much earlier than anyone expected. The singer was only 56 when he died on April 21, 2016, in an elevator at the Paisley Park studio which doubled as his residence.
In life, Prince had many fans and no doubt deserved many more. But to be honest many people found something creepy about the diminutive singer when he was alive. Since his death, staff have whispered that the singers spirit still inhabits Paisley Park. There have been late night sightings and unexplainable noises.
Sometimes, staff and visitors swear they can hear someone singing the following words, as if through the wind:
Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today To get through this thing called life. Electric word life. It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you, There's something else. The afterworld! A world of never ending happiness You can always see the sun, day or night
And after all, what did The Artist mean when he wrote these immortal words? Was it some sort of prediction or precognition?
Where else would Prince, the dreamer of so many dreams, want to haunt?
The studio was designed by architecture firm BOTO Design Inc, of Santa Monica, and was completed in 1988. It contains two live music venues used as rehearsal spaces.
After the Paisley Park record label folded in 1994, Prince continued to live and record at Paisley Park Studios. Prince's intention before his death was to establish Paisley Park as a public venue. Elvis Presley's former home, Graceland, is a major Tennessee tourist attraction. On August 24, 2016, it was announced that Paisley Park would be turned into a museum open to the public.
Tours of the Paisley Park Museum are set to start next month, local zoning willing. And local authorities will probably go along with it, since the studio will be a major draw for it's rural/suburban Chanhassen, MN surroundings. Graceland Holdings, the company that has managed Elvis Presley's Graceland since 1982, is set to organize the tours of Paisley Park.
People who've seen it get a strange sense the singer knew it was about to open, and prepared himself for the after world .
Reader Comments(14)
whitedaffodil writes:
I am an ordinary adult person with family and job and I also trust that I am a very realistic being. Of course, I heard and saw him/about him on TV, but I was not a real fan until 2 weeks ago. I hope to be an open minded person, and I taught myself to feel awake and always interested in what's beyond us,feelings, vibes, other forms of truth, well -open in every way.My parents, a pretty good life and my husband allowed me to keep emotionally alert and they did not cut my weird wings of imagination. I am lucky, I know... One night, absolutely unexpectedly, not giving it a thought before, I had a very, very intense, almost real dream with Prince.It included music, a guitar, love (not physical), talk and a very interesting touch on my forehead saying: The only love there is , is the love we make I certainly never heard it before, I really questioned that, no way!I searched the internet and, how about that, the words are some real lyrics! I froze!!!Was that some epiphany or what?!
03/23/2023, 3:38 am
Lorilyn213 writes:
When visiting Paisley Park last October I felt Prince so very strong in a few rooms and by where his ashes are. Yesterday while driving I was listening to one of his CD's and started to talk to him, I felt him again very strong. What a loving soul he is. I hope I continue to feel him.
08/01/2017, 9:16 pm
Shannonz writes:
Prince wouldn't mind if they opened paisley park 5 months after his death . The beautiful thing about prince is how connected he was with his fans how much he wanted to share pasliy park! With everyone . His family new this the sooner the better to feel his presence !!!! He's resting in peace knowing the fans care about him while visiting pasliy park! Love you prince miss you forever !!!! Shannon 💖
01/16/2017, 2:01 am
Please do not try to make his memory some creepy ghost story. His spirit is beautiful. He was 57 NOT 56. in the tour Friday Oct 14, there was NO purple bedroom! Please report facts and don't put spin on untruths. He will live forever within THE PURPLE FAMILY.
10/16/2016, 10:23 pm
maymay writes:
I feel that yes, it was too soon to open up Paisley Park to the public. I also now, he was taken from us too soon, and I believe the true will one day come out about his untimely death. His spirit will not rest with all of this that is going on with his estate, for he is not satisfied with this at all. Again, the real truth will prevail.
10/12/2016, 2:46 pm
PurpleLuv4ever writes:
I just can't believe that the family would even open up the building so soon after 5 months of his passing in the elevator...Prince wouldn't have wanted this especially with detectives still investigating his death...He is not at peace with this at all...Very inconsiderate of the family to do this so soon...Just money hungry inconsiderate idiots!!!I wouldn't be surprise if Prince comes back and shut all of it down in some type form or fashion because of the way they have forced the opening of his compound to the public like this...May God have mercy on all their souls...
10/10/2016, 2:06 am
Purpleladybug16 writes:
I was one of the VERY fortunate fans to visit Paisley Park on its grand opening this past Thursday (Oct.6). There was nothing spooky or creepy about this beautiful building. Prince is no longer there sadly, but it is a place for his fans to visit and pay respect to this wonderfully gifted man and the purple legacy he leaves behind! I felt honored to be able to walk the floors and space this purple genius walked.
10/09/2016, 11:59 pm
GINA10271967 writes:
I know Prince's spirit is in Paisley Park. He died there and it was not a natural death. He is not able to rest in peace due to the circumstances of how and why he died. When I go to Paisley Park next summer I know I will feel his presence too
10/09/2016, 7 am
7starpaisley writes:
Absolute nonsense on haunting seriously? Prince had planned Paisley Park to be a FAM museum for YEARS...You OBVIOUSLY DIDNT know him. He was a Visionary
10/08/2016, 4:28 pm
Leroy writes:
What a huge gift that the doors have finally opened to all of his fans. If you cannot attend, enjoy aerial drone footage of Paisley Park and First Avenue in this Prince Memorial video:
10/07/2016, 11:11 pm
IBLONG2PRN writes:
something creepy about the diminutive singer??? SHAME ON YOU FOR PUTTING THIS IN YOUR ARTICLE!!!!
10/07/2016, 2:53 pm
Cece writes:
When I heard the news of Prince passing, my heart broke in a thousand pieces. I Love this artist, his music is forever. Being able to tour Prince beautiful home is a wonderful gift to the public, It's a way to honor him and for his legacy to live on in our broken hearts and mind. Thank you PRINCE ROGERS NELSON, we love and miss you. Peace and Love
10/07/2016, 11:33 am
Thomas writes:
There are no haunted houses, only haunted people.
10/07/2016, 9:28 am
princefan1999 writes:
Wow interesting!
10/07/2016, 5:33 am