"Build Up of Fatty Acids Caused Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Don't ask any other Questions," says Coroner.
Singer George Michael was undeniably enormously talented, and by all accounts, kind-hearted. He also engaged in anonymous sex in places like public bathrooms, and had not one, but two lovers who died from HIV/AIDS. The singer has long been rumored to have HIV/AIDS, and to have died on Christmas 2016 from its complications.
On March 7, 2017, the Coroner said that George Michael died "of a heart condition." Darren Salter, the senior coroner for Oxfordshire County, said Mr. Michael, 53, died at his home in Goring-on-Thames of natural causes: dilated cardiomyopathy with myocarditis and fatty liver.
"Dilated cardiomyopathy develops when the heart’s ventricles enlarge and weaken, a process that usually starts in the left ventricle. The weakening of the heart’s chambers causes the heart muscle to work harder, and over time that reduces its ability to pump blood."
This from the New York Times today. Does this sound kind of strange to anyone else?
We think this explanation is merely a cover up by his estate. Michael was not all that obese, and 53 is much too young for such an explanation. "Because his death was natural, the investigation is being discontinued and there is no need for an inquest or any further enquiries,” Mr. Salter said in a statement. “No further updates will be provided and the family requests the media and public respect their privacy.” Yeah. Got it.
In 1991, Michael began to date Anselmo Feleppa, a Brazilian dress designer, whom he had met at a concert in Rio. Six months into their relationship, Feleppa discovered that he had HIV. Michael later said: "It was terrifying news. I thought I could have the disease too. I couldn't go through it with my family because I didn't know how to share it with them – they didn't even know I was gay."
In 1993, Feleppa died of an AIDS-related brain haemorrhage. It is possible that Feleppa was the source of the Singer's infection, and that Michael has fought the immuno-condition for more than 20 years. But Michael was also known to engage in anonymous sex in the 90's.
In 2011, Michael tweeted: "I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER APOLOGISE FOR MY SEX LIFE ! GAY SEX IS NATURAL, GAY SEX IS GOOD! NOT EVERYBODY DOES IT, BUT.....HA HA!" Capitalization in original tweet, which quotes from one of his 1990's hits.
In a 1999 interview with The Advocate, Michael told the Editor in Chief, Judy Wieder, that it was "falling in love with a man that ended his conflict over bisexuality." "I never had a moral problem with being gay", Michael told Wieder. "I thought I had fallen in love with a woman a couple of times. Then I fell in love with a man, and realized that none of those things had been love." In 2007, Michael said he had hidden the fact he was gay because of worries over what effect it might have on his mother.
Speaking about his time with Wham! in the 1980s, Michael said: "I used to sleep with women quite a lot in the Wham! days but never felt it could develop into a relationship because I knew that, emotionally, I was a gay man. I didn't want to commit to them but I was attracted to them. Then I became ashamed that I might be using them." In 2009, Michael said: "My depression at the end of Wham! was because I was beginning to realize I was gay, not bisexual."
Questions of Michael's sexual orientation persisted in public until 7 April 1998, when he was arrested for "engaging in a lewd act" in a public restroom of the Will Rogers Memorial Park in Beverly Hills, California. In 2007, Michael said "that hiding his sexuality made him feel 'fraudulent', and his eventual outing, when he was arrested [...] in 1998, was a subconsciously deliberate act."
Michael was arrested by an undercover Beverly Hills Policeman named Marcelo Rodríguez, in a sting operation using so-called "pretty police". In an MTV interview, Michael stated: "I got followed into the restroom and then this cop-I didn't know it was a cop, obviously-he started playing this game, which I think is called, 'I'll show you mine, you show me yours, and then when you show me yours, I'm going to nick (arrest) you!"
After pleading "no contest" to the charge, Michael was fined $810 and ordered to perform 80 hours of community service. Soon afterwards, Michael made a video for his single "Outside", which satirized the public toilet incident and featured men dressed as policemen kissing.
Rodríguez claimed that this video "mocked" him, and that Michael had slandered him in interviews. In 1999, he brought a US$10 million court case in California against the singer.
The court dismissed the case, but an appellate court reinstated the case on 3 December 2002. The court then ruled Rodríguez, as a public official, could not legally recover damages for emotional distress.
After the incident, Michael became explicit about his sexuality and his relationship with Kenny Goss which began in June 1996.
On 23 July 2006, Michael was again accused of engaging in anonymous public sex, this time at London's Hampstead Heath. The anonymous partner was stated (wrongly, as it turned out) to be 58-year-old Norman Kirtland, an unemployed van driver.
Despite stating that he intended to sue both the News of the World tabloid who supposedly photographed the incident and Norman Kirtland for slander, Michael stated that he cruises for anonymous sex and that this was not an issue in his relationship with partner Kenny Goss.
It can fairly be said of everyone who dies that they go into cardiac arrest. The heart always stops beating when a person dies. Heart failure is a recognized complication arising from HIV/AIDS and other "serious underlying health issues." See for example, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/george-michael-heart-failure-died-questions-about-british-pop-singers-health/
From the BBC:
Michael, 53, launched his career with Wham! in the 1980s and later continued his success as a solo performer, is said to have "passed away peacefully at home".
Thames Valley Police said South Central Ambulance Service rushed to the Singer's estate in Goring in Oxfordshire at 1:42 pm English time (GMT). Police say they were treating the death as "unexplained but there were no suspicious circumstances."
In a statement, the star's publicist said: "It is with great sadness that we can confirm our beloved son, brother and friend George passed away peacefully at home over the Christmas period.
"The family would ask that their privacy be respected at this difficult and emotional time. There will be no further comment at this stage."
Treatment for pneumonia
Michael, who was born Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou in North London, sold more than 100 million albums across his 4 decade career.
He first found fame with his schoolfriend Andrew Ridgeley in duo Wham! before going on to release solo albums, including the multi-million selling Faith and follow-up Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1.
It outsold Faith in the UK but led to Michael losing a lawsuit against record label Sony, over his frustration over how the album has been marketed.
As his career faded, Michael faced headlines for the wrong reasons.
In October 2006 he pled guilty to driving while unfit through drugs and was banned from driving and in 2008 he was cautioned for possession of class A drugs, including crack cocaine.
In September 2010 Michael received an eight-week prison sentence following an incident the previous July in which he crashed his Range Rover into a shop in north London.
George Michael and Andrew Ridgely first found fame with Wham! in the 1980s
Earlier this month it was announced that producer and songwriter Naughty Boy was working with Michael on a new album. In 2011, Michael postponed a series of concerts after being taken to hospital for treatment for pneumonia.
After treatment in a Vienna hospital, he made a tearful appearance outside his London home and said it had been "touch and go" whether he lived. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-38432862
Doctors were said to have performed a tracheotomy to keep his airways open and he was unconscious for most of his hospitalization.
Reader Comments1 — 50 of 75
NobodysBusiness writes:
Let George rest and stop speculating. No one is entitled to personal medical information, ever. He was a gift to the world. Be grateful.
07/30/2022, 4:49 am
Buzzedmeg writes:
If he had sex with 500 men in one year, the odds of not getting infected are astronomical. I am not saying he didn’t have a good heart. He just made some very irresponsible decisions.
04/11/2019, 7:26 am
GMFanFromDay1 writes:
Death caused by dilated myocardiopathy is most common among the those afflicted with HIV. Sad as it may be to hear about this about this beloved,most generous, talented man, when googling these terms together you'll this is the case. Consider the sensitivity of this issue for his family and his team, who lovingly want to preserve the integrity of this man and his memory. The coroner's public report states the actual cause of the death. HIV is not a cause of death. It does put one's health at serious risk for this particular heart issue. The coroner's PUBLIC report accurately describes what actually caused George's death. The reason it took so long is likely due to the work that was done between his family/representatives and the law to determine the level of detail the public report had to show, not the final report the family receives. The timing of Kenny's interview and his other comment just prior to the release of the coroner report was coordinated. RIP wonderful man.
03/08/2017, 4:37 pm
Realstory123 writes:
This story contains lies. George Michael did not have HIV / AIDs. The coroner said that George Michael had a heart condition known as dilated cardiomyopathy with myocarditis. He also suffered from a fatty liver, according to Oxfordshire's senior coroner Darren Salter.
03/08/2017, 8:33 am
Azureblu writes:
Thank God there are still decent moral people left in this fallen world we live in who understand that all the talent in the world can't make up for such horrific sin! For those who are hoping he will rest in peace, I have a flash for you. Unless Mr. Michael came to his senses and repented of the ungodly lifestyle he had lived, he will never rest in peace. Open a Bible people. Homosexuals will not see heaven. I hope this man got it right before taking his last breath!
03/07/2017, 2:24 pm
hulllad3 writes:
Is this article for real? Some fucktards with right wing religious beliefs? Who thinks that there is a god and uses it to cast judgement on others? How many men of God are there in the Catholic Church are gay? Sick if people bending the bible to suit there own agenda. News mate! There is no god and if there were, with all the innocent suffering in the world, if there were he or she should hang there head in shame and resign from the post!
02/28/2017, 8:50 am
Godsgirl writes:
This is such a slanderous article, with little or no facts. I never met George but, looking at his interviews, he was a man who knew I'd God and struggled with demons, like everyone does. We don't know what happened in his last moments. He was from a Greek Orthodox family, father a Cypriot and grandmother, a Jew. I'm sure he was covered in prayer his whole life. George was a beautiful and talented man. He was gifted by God. And he shared that with the world. My heart goes out to his family and fans. My prayers have been with you.
02/13/2017, 12:45 am
Britishartist17 writes:
What a monumental pile of excrement this article is!how lazy and poorly researched these slanderous and untruthful allegations are.whoever compiled this shameful croc of excrement should take a long ,hard look at themselves...even more so ,the editor who allowed this to go ahead.shameful!!! George Michael is and will always be one of the best singer,songwriter,musicians this world has ever seen or heard.R.I.P George,you will always be in our hearts and will always be greatly missed.
02/07/2017, 2:10 pm
Lydia7777 writes:
I don't know where these people get their news his family should sued them these reporters will do anything for money POS nobody has the right to judge him Jesus Christ knew heart and nobody knows what really happened on Christmas Eve physically he was alone but spiritually Jesus was there with him nobody knows what really happened in that room only God knows I just pray that he came to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ he loved him so much and was waiting for him with open arms George RIP in His arms even though I never met you I love ❤ you and will miss you thank you for your music 🎶 my condolences to his father,sisters and the rest of the family.
02/05/2017, 1:10 pm
Messymaven writes:
This article is very irresponsible reporting. Where is your proof that he had AIDS?
02/01/2017, 2:02 pm
dusgusted writes:
A lot of bulls... Being posted on here. If George had hiv/aids as cause of death the police wouldn't be waiting on toxicology results to ascertain that. And only piers Morgan claims that George confided George had 500 lovers. Bear in mind this is a man who wrote for the gutter press which George hated, therefore would be the last person George would discuss personal details with! I so feel for his family and god bless George's true friends who loved him for the humanitarian acts of kindness he quietly bestowed on people.
01/16/2017, 9:42 am
Faithful1 writes:
As a Believer I do not judge this man. I do see so much good and a kind heart that seems to have been broken for many years. How can anyone stand and judge him as his last days he seemed very troubled. No one knows what went through his mind and heart at that time. Remember where there is life, there is hope. None of us has a right to judge for that is only up to God. His peace may have been very well made that Christmas Eve Night while he was alone. I hope and pray it was. I pray that his tormented and sad soul is at rest. He was a beautiful singer and the songs he wrote were from his heart. He went too soon. Rest in Peace .
01/15/2017, 7:41 pm
mia writes:
Listen to the woooordd of his music and his vooooice. He was a marvelous entertainer. I thank the Lord for his life.
01/12/2017, 7:05 pm
mia writes:
He had Faith!
01/12/2017, 7:03 pm
Why writes:
Is anyone worried about his new boyfriend ? He was with Steven Gately when he died of not supsisious circumstances? If you love your partner and they are ill surely on Christmas Eve you don't leave them alone ? And for family to find out by the press so sad xx RIP George a beautiful man
01/02/2017, 11:52 am
Jamada writes:
RIP beautiful soul... There are some ignorant, unchristian and ungodly low lives in this world and a fair few have proved their presence in their vile postings on this thread. Shame on them all. Imagine how they must live their lives, judging others as if they themselves are holier than thou .. miserable bastards! Truth is we all mess up in life and none of us are perfect. Have some bloody respect people!!!!!
01/02/2017, 2:54 am
HetroPride writes:
Why mourn a person who hung around toilets looking for casual sex while knowing he had HIV? This guy is as low as they come. He gets no sympathy from me. And now they have to keep how he died a secret so all the other people he infected don't find out they got the disease off him, and thus (rightfully) sue his estate.
01/01/2017, 6:08 am
amelia writes:
I don't know if GM was hiv positive, but I know that a man hiv positive under therapy has a low virus replication, so maybe is more secure for his partner than someone who doesn't actually know if is hiv positive or negative. So you suppose that GM was died for aids, but not only .. that He has infected many partners!!!! Why? His family maybe bring you to a court.
12/29/2016, 12:40 am
tnt1492 writes:
I am an American. As such, I would like to say that the idiots from my country that are posting ignorgant things about George Michael's death, should not be a reflection on our country as a whole. Whatever afflction he had, or how it originated, is immaterial. Nonetheless, straight people contract the HIV virus too, and it can happen without having sex or doing intravenous drugs. George Michael left behind many family members, friends and fans that are mourning his death. Please be respectful of those people in their time of mourning. The disaparaging comments being made are hurtful to all those people that loved him and are mourning his death. If you don't have anything nice to say about him, please keep your comments to yourself. Let everyone remember George Michael for all the positive contributions he made to the world. There were plenty.
12/28/2016, 8:13 pm
Gpw501 writes:
Do people really think if george michael had infected anyone with hiv that he wouldnt have been sued and that would have been all over the papers if he died from aids thats his buinsness stop being so vile and nasty he was an incredible talent and the world in genaral is a bit less brighter for his death
12/28/2016, 10:42 am
Shelly72 writes:
Rest in peace.... A beautiful man , with a beautiful soul, taken way to soon , regardless of how he died, he will be alive forever in his music.. ❤
12/27/2016, 9:29 pm
Medgirltn writes:
12/27/2016, 8:46 pm
Terrif writes:
EVERYONE dies of heart failure. Doctors are not allowed to list this as the primary cause of death because it is only an underlying factor of another illness or disease. Yes, it is also true that HIV/AIDS causes a host of other things that eventually cause death such as brain tumors, pneumonia, sepsis, kidney/liver failure. It is sad that he probably infected others without care or concern;that itself is selfish and immoral.
12/27/2016, 5:16 pm
Guy writes:
Some flaming degenerate on this thread's literally blaming George Michael's slow, gradual, agonizing, 20 yrs long, AIDS-related death on Cannabis. Yet, these same LGBTQIBS deviants wonder why they're so thoroughly reviled globally. Boggles the mind that these vile, promiscuous sodomites think they'll ever be simply accepted by the rest of the world as normal.
12/27/2016, 3:33 pm
observer writes:
RIP Michael. Your beautiful singing is a gift to the world.
12/27/2016, 11:12 am
Oldybee writes:
Dam soldier u will b miss god bless peace brother.
12/27/2016, 9:01 am
WTF writes:
I can't believe some of the ignorant and spiteful comments coming from supposed Christians on this web site. Whatever GM was or wasn't saying he deserved to die is sick. There are some really messed up Americans over there. Enjoy 5 years of Trump, suckers!
12/27/2016, 8:42 am
Armyof1 writes:
He died of AIDS/HIV...dirty and nasty. His talent or generosity does not matter when he spreads disease for his own pleasure. It is unnatural and disgusting. One less NASTY in the world but God will judge him and send him to where he belongs.
12/27/2016, 4:35 am
dotdoc writes:
I agree with Bugz; George Michael essentially MURDERED many strangers by having sex with them. AIDS is still a death sentence, and it always will be. George Michael's legacy is not so much his music, but the far greater legacy of DEATH. What a piece of gutter trash, to pass on AIDS when you've already been diagnosed with it. ONCE YOU KNOW YOU'VE GOT IT, KEEP YOUR SCHMECKLE IN YOUR PANTS. And shame on him for having sex with randoms while in a relationship, and even when single! It's totally disgusting. If he had thought about it for (I'll be generous toward his stupidity) 5 minutes, he would've realized condoms don't always work even when you use them properly. Gay sex is anything BUT natural, and no, not everybody should (do it)! Filthy sack of trash will rue the day he first entertained the thought of gay sex, and even the day he first had illegitimate straight sex! Everybody should ask themself before every sex act, 'Am I okay with every possible consequence of this action?'
12/27/2016, 3:13 am
angelina541 writes:
Your reporting is inaccurate. So far, there has been no official word that George was HIV positive. If this turns out to be the case, then so be it, but as of now, your report is based on no facts. You said the same about Prince as well. It's sad that you would make presumptions and you should feel ashamed for doing so as it is disrespectful to their memories, as well as the memory of those who have passed from the disease.
12/27/2016, 3:13 am
Jojos writes:
Completely agree with majority of comments, are there facts to back up this headline? I don't think there are so feels like very poor journalism at the very least and also very disrespectful to cast assertions as though they are fact. The world has lost an artist and a family have lost their loved one - surely that should be the focus today ! X
12/26/2016, 10:39 pm
Shelly writes:
In all honesty, I could care less of his life style or his reason of death. He was an amazing artist. I don't think anyone has room to judge anyone, unless you are Jesus Christ. May he be at peace.
12/26/2016, 10:35 pm
Juzman writes:
He admitted to having sex with over 500 men in a 7 year period (1 every 5 days), so he was really playing the odds
12/26/2016, 10:29 pm
ballsucker writes:
well, he was a drug addict and ballsucker...like me...so one can expect to die early. i hope he got right with the Lord.
12/26/2016, 10:31 pm
wingman writes:
What's sad is these people who lead this unnatural lifestyle will reap what they sow. George Michael stated that gay sex was natural but nothing could be further from the truth! When you die in your sins, there is no resting in peace! Sad but true!
12/26/2016, 9:44 pm
Monts writes:
when my time comes, I hope that I will be remembered as some one that was generous and loved such a George Michael His personal preference had nothing to do with his talent, looks or his generosity Michael rest in peace and please note all of us from the US will truly miss you RIP Monts
12/26/2016, 8:08 pm
Kela writes:
He admits on Cruzing for sex with STRANGERS. He ultimately allowed sex and drugs to control his life we can only learn from his horrendous mistakes.
12/26/2016, 8:06 pm
Laura writes:
So sad that you have reduced the legacy of a great musician and generous person down to his sex life. Shame on you. Nothing has been confirmed about his hiv status and it's none of our business anyway. Why not take this opportunity to afford him the respect you didn't give him in life?
12/26/2016, 6:26 pm
Spirit writes:
We should put aside all the arguments about the cause of death which has not been determined yet, and reflect upon the lessons to be learned. Another man with great talents lives and dies in misery despite all the fame and money. While producing beautiful music for us to enjoy, he lived battling drugs and depression. When you lose your moral compass all the wealth and fame in the world will not bring you peace or happiness.
12/26/2016, 5:42 pm
Jonathan writes:
Looks like there's alot of miss information out there. Maybe this will clear it up. One, HIV is a virus, AIDS is a diagnosis. Same bug only a person with HIV who's viral load has dropped below 200 &/or develops an AIDS defining optimistic infection is given an AIDS diagnosis which essentially means this person's health has gotten to a critical point because of HIV, thus the diagnosis. Two, no one has ever died of HIV nor AIDS. The HIV virus attacks the immune system and in turn allows other ailments which the body cannot defend itself from to thrive.
12/26/2016, 5:41 pm
sugarlump writes:
The man is dead,sad enough for his family.it doesn't matter what he died of.he is dead,period!
12/26/2016, 4:57 pm
Bugz writes:
12/26/2016, 4:35 pm
LaLaLara99 writes:
True true @ KathyC. As much as signs might point to that he had AIDS, it is illegal none the less to insinuate without proof that he did. This blog could cause you some problems my dear. It's 3rd on the google homepage and will have caused some attention by now by the way. An apology might be in order :-/, especially since the charge would be for mental anguish.
12/26/2016, 3:55 pm
Icurhrts writes:
Although it might be easy to make the assumption that he died of complications of HIV or AIDS the truth of the matter is the family states he died of heart failure. Anyone who works in the medical field can understand the diagnosis of heart failure because of the fact that he did have a long history of drug abuse. Drug abuse can dilate and weaken the heart causing heart failure. So it is not far-fetched to understand that he did die of heart failure due to his long history of drug abuse. The truth is, none of us will know what he truly died of unless it is released by the family or the coroner. Until then let's just respect the man's talent and have a heart about it because someday that could be you !
12/26/2016, 3:06 pm
Fiona writes:
CORRECTION!! George Michael died peacefully at home from heart failure (suspected) he was not ill prior to his death as you will see from Nile Rodgers and others' Tweets. Where did you get the AIDS headline from? You guys need to get your info right, please take this Imade-up headline down. Shockingly inaccurate, this is NOT what is being reported here in London. He was planning a new album, tour dates and a documentary for 2017.
12/26/2016, 3 pm
Kermie writes:
There are more straight than gay people with AIDS so it's time to stop the stigma around it. Reports that are more likely to be accurate say George died from heart failure.
12/26/2016, 2:51 pm
Tlwest writes:
So many offended homosexuals or supporters of that lifestyle. Other news outlets can say whatever they want, that man died from the disease of the lifestyle he led. Offended?? Because it makes all you homosexuals look bad promoting your filthy ways continually and pretending it's normal. News flash, it's far far from normal. You reap what you sow. Sorry.
12/26/2016, 2:42 pm
KSinMA writes:
How is it this is the only media outlet that knows he was long diagnosed with AIDS? I understand he had a positive partner however that doesn't automatically deem him positive. Magic Johnson never had homosexual relations and still contracted AIDS. And really, it shouldn't matter whether he had it or not. He's was a human being.
12/26/2016, 2:20 pm
Sam writes:
The Santa Monica Observer is just another filthy rag that promotes yellow journalism at its best.
12/26/2016, 1:56 pm
A1e2xx6 writes:
Lawyer up guys. The whole of the UK are on to you.
12/26/2016, 1:18 pm