Team teachers, former principals and other from the Roosevelt community praise Ms. Whitley
Ann Whitley taught at Roosevelt Elementary School starting 31 years ago, in 1988. This year, she retired. During that time, she team taught with several other teachers, including Angie Snow, Megan Cuevas, Martha Simmons and Carolyn Edwards.
At a PTA meeting Tuesday at Roosevelt Elementary School, Ms. Whitley was presented with an Award for Excellence by the current Principal of Roosevelt, Lynda Holeva.
"The team teaching we did was a departmentalized partnership where each teacher taught the subjects they had a passion for and expertise. Ann taught reading, writing, language arts, social studies, art, and performing arts. Myself and Ann's other partners taught math, science and computer science," said Mrs. Snow.
Team teachers, former principals and other from the Roosevelt community praise Ms. Whitley at an event marking her retirement this month.
Former Principals Natalie Burton and Mr. Harris both praised Ms. Whitley in speeches. The teachers who team taught with Ms. Whitley also spoke in praise of Ms. Whitley.
Second graders spelled our "Ann Whitley," as her former teaching partner Angie Snow explained what each letter stood for:
"A- an awesome teacher is hard to find difficult to part with and impossible to forget
N- niche- she found her niche in a departmentalized partnership for 24 of her 31 years as a teacher
N- top notch language arts program that motivates her students as well as effective and practical guidance to her colleagues
W- willingness to learn and change which is the key to continued growth and success. She attended 12 advanced institutes in reading and writing at Teachers College since 2007. Ann took many classes with renowned teachers in the field of language arts.
H- highly experienced and has tremendous depth of knowledge in specific subject areas
I- innovative creating musical plays that incorporate the academic standards in ELA, social studies, and visual and performing arts
T- trained in best teaching practices- inquiry strategies
self reflection lesson analysis
L- level of skill and professionalism above approach
E- enhances the learning and experiences of her students
Y- years of dedication to the teaching profession a Cotsen fellow. In summary, Ann Whitley is a master teacher who ran a demonstration classroom for the district. She's a long standing member of both the school's and district's English/Language Arts Committees. Ann is a teacher leader in language arts involved in the planning and delivery
of staff in-service in both reading and writing.
Ann Whitley is an awesome teacher who Roosevelt was lucky to find and she will be difficult to part with and for sure impossible to forget.
Happy trails Annie!"
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