Exception for grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, restaurants and other essential services
Proving that he is in fact, a badass governor, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered all of the States 40 million residents to stay at home. He is hoping to delay "the inevitable:" his prediction that half of the State's residents will contract novel coronavirus. 25 million people, he said, will develop the disease under a projection from Johns Hopkins University.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday issued a statewide order for all residents to ‘stay at home’ amid a coronavirus outbreak.
“We need to bend the curve in the state of California,” Newsom said, as he announced a statewide order for Californians to stay home.
“There’s a social contract here, people I think recognize the need to do more ... They will begin to adjust and adapt as they have been quite significantly. We will have social pressure and that will encourage people to do the right thing,” he said, in addressing how this order will be enforced.
Newsom added: “Home isolation is not my preferred choice ... but it is a necessary one ...This is not a permanent state, this is a moment in time.” The stay home order is in place till further notice.
All dine-in restaurants, bars and clubs, gyms and fitness studios will be closed, according to the order. Public events and gatherings are also not allowed. Essential services will stay open, however, such as pharmacies, grocery stores, takeout and delivery restaurants, and banks.
Newsom said he made the decision “based upon some new information” and projections that came in from Johns Hopkins University.
He reiterated throughout the press conference and in response to questions from reporters: “We need to meet this moment and flatten the curve together.”
“We have 416 hospitals in CA, but within the hospital system we have a capacity to surge beyond the 78,000 currently staffed beds by an additional 10,000,” Newsom said. “If we change our behaviors that inventory will come down, if we meet this moment, we can truly bend the curve.”
“It’s now just time to absorb and recognize that we need to change our behaviors in a way that meets this moment and allows a recognition that this moment will pass,” he added.
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