Has anyone else wondered what to do if your tooth breaks during an era of social distancing?
Coronavirus has changed the way we all do business, without a doubt. Most businesses are simply closed, and non essential medical procedures are being delayed.
We wondered what to do if, during the national emergency, they get a toothache, broken tooth, or other situation that just won't wait?
We asked Lily at Best Natural Smile dental office in Santa Monica, whether they are seeing patients for routine dental needs.
"In light of current events, our dental team has fully transitioned to working remotely," wrote Lily. They are however, now reserving dates for future dental appointments, after May 15, 2020.
What about dental emergencies? Sometimes with teeth, it just can't wait, I said.
"We will do our best to help anyone in need of help," writes Hilarie, also at Best Natural Smile. "We know this is a tough time and we are here. If someone you know has a dental emergency, they should contact us or another dentist. We stand strong, committed to serving our patients needs, and hope all of this will be behind us soon."
If you need an appointment, contact them through their website, http://www.bestnaturalsmile.com. Some one will contact you within one business day.
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