Laurie Lieberman had to be muted as she referred to parents as "all crazy." She snored to show contempt during another Zoom meeting
Update: Comment from Laurie Lieberman at the bottom of this story.
Laurie Lieberman has been on the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board for the last 8 years. Now, some people are opposing a third term for the school board member and candidate. We asked Laurie Lieberman Must Go aka @liebermanmustgo, why they oppose her re-election. The anonymous Twitter account user cited her lack of civility and basic competence.
"Primarily, the issue is her temperament and troublesome comments during public meetings, including publicly insulting parents and teachers," replied @liebermanmustgo, who refused to attribute the following quotes to a person. "You can attribute the comments to a concerned parent who prefers to remain anonymous."
"1. The current school board, including Laurie, has repeatedly stated that we should work toward an environment of civility, and should treat one another with respect and dignity, particularly during public comment at school board meetings. Caring about your constituents should be a basic prerequisite for any elected position."
"Laurie's actions, however, have shown that she does not care to listen to teachers and parents during public comment. She has repeatedly mocked and insulted parents. During a meeting in 2020, she forgot to mute herself and audibly snored at the idea of having to listen to public comment (we recently tweeted the video of this)."
"During a meeting in 2021, she again forgot to mute herself and said the parents speaking were "seriously all crazy" and she had to have her mic muted by Jon Kean, who was sitting next to her (we recently tweeted the vide of this as well)."
"She has also mocked the names of many public speakers, and has made jokes in the middle of public comment while parents talk about their children's suicidal thoughts and otherwise suffering mentally. She simply lacks the very basic requirements of compassion, civility, and respect to serve in a public position."
"2. She lacks the judgment necessary to make important decisions. As we recently tweeted, she supported the appointment of Keith Coleman to fill Oscar de la Torre's vacant position. Jason Feldman had received the most votes after Oscar making him the very logical, and democratic, choice to fill Oscar's position (he was also endorsed by the SMDP). Instead, Laurie supported the appointment of Keith Coleman. Keith did not have any children attending SMMUSD schools. He believed so little in SMMUSD that he sent his child to private school in Brentwood. Keith has of course since resigned amidst controversy that he doesn't, or at least no longer does, live in Santa Monica."
"3. She failed our students, particularly the youngest students, during the school reopening process. While many other schools were applying to the state to reopen their TK-2 grades (our most vulnerable students), Laurie and the rest of the board failed to even submit the application to the state. As a result, many schools throughout Los Angeles, including Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes, Torrance, and more, were able to SAFELY get their youngest kids back into school quickly. They also approved DL+ as the reopening plan, which was NOT supported by the majority of parents according to their own polls, and then they subsequently abandoned that plan when it became obvious it was not a workable solution.
Primarily, the issue is her temperament and troublesome comments during public meetings, including publicly insulting parents and teachers."
We have reached out to Laurie Lieberman for comment on this story. "Thanks for reaching out. I have no idea who this is or why he has it in for me. I wasn’t even aware of this until you sent it," she wrote.
"You have known me for many years. We may have disagreements about issues from time to time but I think you know that the smear campaigns are ugly and dishonest and have nothing to do with who I am or what I have accomplished on the School Board. The lies and misinformation being spread are damaging to the school district and have lowered the level of discourse in this community to a point almost beyond recognition."
Reader Comments(4)
True writes:
Haha ! If you are a parent in Santa Monica you need to listen in on one of these school board meetings ! The current board don’t want to hear from parents ! The videos above with Ms Lieberman- they tell the whole story ! They walk out when public comments are happening, they are constantly on their phones, they mute parents , they call them crazy, they roll their eyes, they think parents are ‘ terrorists’ for advocating for their kiddos. They don’t want to hear anything that they don’t agree with.
10/18/2022, 7 pm
Saveourschools writes:
Families are taking their kids out of the district in record numbers . Leaving Covid policies aside , getting rid of the English honors program at Santa Monica High School has upset many parents . Also children have learnt, sometimes for all their school years, in constant construction and building . We need parent voices on the school board . It’s really time for the LONG serving incumbents to gracefully step aside.
10/18/2022, 4:43 pm
Cncerndparentsm writes:
I find her comment to this article pathetic. She doesn't even have the maturity to own her mistakes. How are we supposed to trust her with every decision she makes regarding our children's education? How have we even gotten to this point, where her presence and despotism has made our school district absolutely hell? It couldn't be more obvious that her obsession for overspending in building is linked to the fact that her husband's firm represents the majority of the building companies in Santa Monica! Go find another pet project in another State, Lieberman!
10/18/2022, 12:43 pm
LovingParent writes:
Damaging to the district, says Laurie? She can’t deny either comment, so she tries to pretend criticizing her 12 years of incompetence and I action is damaging? Samohi seniors started kindergarten with Laurie on the board. How have things changed since? They haven’t. She does the bidding of everyone but kids and parents. She’s the candidate of powerful special interests. Not kids. Throw her out.
10/18/2022, 8:58 am