Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Does Organized Crime Rule the Americas; Attacks on Journalists in Bolivia Rise 130%; Hidden Anti-Semitism in Cuba and Other Stories: InterAmerican Watch Newsletter

Several Latin American countries supported Castillo after coup attempt


Evo's advice for Castillo, the coca plantations and the exit to the sea

Castillo managed, in the 16 months that he was president of his country, to put into practice the recommendations that he had received from Morales in the case of the treatment of coca plantations....Read more >>


Former Peruvian President Castillo's impeachment: a warning sign to Latin America's left

"Castillo posed an institutional menace on an altogether different scale," Daniel Raisbeck, a Latin American political analyst at the Cato Institute, told Fox News Digital. "To begin with, his party's program for the 2021 election included numerous measures that explicitly sought to violate the constitution's unequivocal safeguards for private property, which it declares 'inviolable.'"...Read more >>



The undeclared war of the followers of Evo Morales in Bolivia: kidnapping of journalists and attacks on private property

Groups of assailants obeying Evo Morales occupy privately owned farms and land in an undeclared war being waged in Bolivia that includes the kidnapping of journalists....Read more >>


Attacks on journalists rise by 130% and a claim for impunity goes to the IACHR

In Bolivia these violent acts are documented and are part of a report that was sent to the international organization. According to these data, in 2021 there were 73 complaints of this type and for this year, which is about to end, the record reached 168....Read more >>



Prisoners Defenders denounced more than 1,000 political prisoners in Cuba: "An inhumane repression has ruled since 9/11"

Prisoners Defenders denounced that there are 1,034 political prisoners in Cuba right now, 24 new ones in November. In its most recent report, the NGO stressed that each month the regime "continues to harass, threaten, summon and detain thousands of people, and imprison and criminally prosecute dozens of new political prisoners. The repression not only does not stop, but also continues to maintain inhuman levels since 11J"....Read more >>


Human Rights

The US denounces the cost of dissent in Nicaragua: Being a political prisoner

The United States Under Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, reminded the political prisoners of the Nicaraguan, Cuban and Venezuelan regimes, within the framework of International Human Rights Day that is commemorated every December 10...Read more >>


Interamerican Institute for Democracy

Bolivians are hostages of Castrochavism

Evo Morales, as an outstanding student of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, completely dynamited the democratic institutions in Bolivia. Nothing was left standing, everything was put at the service of the coca grower leader and his henchmen of him. For example, the General Law of Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies -in its article 10 referred to the distribution of frequencies for radio broadcasting- establishes that the State will have up to 33% of the spaces, private companies similar 33%, radio stations community social character, up to 17% and the means of indigenous peoples, natives, peasants, and intercultural and Afro-Bolivian communities with another 17%....Read more >>


Parliamentarianism and dollarization to strengthen democracy

The recurrence of economic and political crises is a feature of almost all Latin America's countries whose instability generates economic as well as political imbalances that negatively affect democracy. Bad governance crises are quickly turned into State crises and then into crises of the democratic system with consequent economic and institutional damages that are then used to install dictatorships. The real facts demand us to consider the strengthening of democracy by going from the presidentialism system to parliamentarianism and by formalizing the dollarization of the economy of the region....Read more >>


Injured and maddening lioness

Immediately after the sentence that condemned her for the unprecedented corruption and the monumental fraud to the State that, organized by her husband in the image and likeness of his management in Santa Cruz and that she inherited and commanded, Cristina Fernández, once again, broke loose against the Republic and its institutions a new burst of bullets; discussing whether the insane, angsty, and misplaced state of mind she exhibited on television was planned or genuine is completely irrelevant....Read more >>


Patricia Bullrich, keynote speaker at the forum on politics and organized crime

Invited by the Interamerican Institute for Democracy, Patricia Bullrich was the keynote speaker at the Forum "Politics and Organized Crime." Under the title "Argentina and Organized Crime", the president of PRO Argentina made strong statements, anticipating and setting points and limits to the Puebla Group...Read more >>


Patricia Bullrich: "The Puebla Group wants to delegitimize the Constitution and seeks to change the sentence against Cristina Kirchner"

Her statements were made in the forum "Politics and organized crime" of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy... "The Puebla Group wants to delegitimize the constitution, seeks to change the sentence against Cristina Kirchner," Bullrich warned...Read more >>


Does organized crime rule the Americas?

Corruption practices, the influence of Castrochavismo, violence and expectations in Latin America were addressed in the forum "Politics and organized crime", held at the Inter-American Institute for Democracy....Read more >>


A hidden episode of anti-Zionism

Dominique Lapierre has died. He was 91 years old. When I met him, I was interested in writing about the creation of the State of Israel, and he had devoted an entire book to it. He was a formidable chronicler, trained in Paris Match, a magazine in which he had collaborated for a few years. At that time, he worked together with Larry Collins, an American journalist who would bring him English-speaking readers. But the essential work was managed by him, or at least it seemed to me....Read more >>


Latin America

The governments of Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Bolivia supported Pedro Castillo after the self-coup attempt and dismissal of him

After Pedro Castillo was dismissed after attempting to carry out a self-coup in Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia and Argentina defended the actions of the now former president, did not refer to his attempt to dilute the Peruvian Congress and raised their "concern over recent events " in the Latin American country....Read more >>



HRW asegura que Perú fue víctima de un golpista - El Diario - Bolivia

El director asociado de Human Rights Watch (HRW) para América, César Muñoz, hizo referencia a las publicaciones del presidente Luis Arce, negando que la destitución del exmandatario peruano sea producto de una conspiración en su contra por parte de grupos de derecha, sino que Perú es la verdadera víctima de un golpista....Read more >>


Dina Boluarte pedirá adelanto de elecciones al Congreso y declara Estado de Emergencia por protestas

La presidenta Dina Boluarte anunció en mensaje a la Nación en televisión nacional, tras la muerte de dos personas en Andahuaylas producto de los violentos enfrentamientos entre pobladores y la Policía Nacional, que el ejecutivo presentará un proyecto para trabajar en conjunto con el Congreso en el adelanto de elecciones para abril del 2024. También adelantó un proyecto para la reforma del sistema político....Read more >>


Evo Morales respalda al expresidente Castillo y pide Asamblea Constituyente

El expresidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales Ayma, salió en defensa del vacado y posteriormente detenido Pedro Castillo Terrones, quien trató de dar un golpe de Estado el pasado miércoles 7 de diciembre al anunciar el cierre inconstitucional del Congreso, medida que no fue respaldada ni por la PNP ni por las Fuerzas Armadas....Read more >>


United States

Joe Biden reiteró su pedido por la liberación de los presos políticos en Cuba

Joe Biden reiteró este viernes su apoyo a los perseguidos en Cuba y pidió, en ese sentido, por la liberación de los presos políticos detenidos tras las protestas que tuvieron lugar en julio de 2021....Read more >>



Maduro anuncia medidas frente a la depreciación de la moneda

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, anunció este sábado que el Gobierno tomará correctivos para hacer frente a la depreciación de la moneda local -el bolívar-, que en la última semana se devaluó un 17 % respecto al dólar estadounidense...El salario mínimo y las pensiones, fijados en 130 bolívares en marzo pasado, han perdido desde entonces el 69 % de su valor, como resultado de la devaluación del bolívar, con lo que pasaron de 29,68 dólares a 9,20 dólares....Read more >>


Venezuela - Nicaragua

Los países en los que EEUU advierte que se corre el riesgo de ser detenido injustamente

En juliopasado, el Departamento de Estado añadió un nuevo factor de riesgo a sus avisos de viaje, advirtiendo a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que viajan al extranjero de la posibilidad de ser detenidos injustamente por el gobierno de un país extranjero. Ese indicador, señalado con una etiqueta "D" (de detención injusta), se ha adjuntado desde a las advertencias de viaje existentes para Rusia y otros siete países: Birmania, China, Eritrea, Irán, Nicaragua, Corea del Norte y Venezuela....Read more >>



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