Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Santa Monica Conducts Public Meeting About Homelessness and the Fentanyl Epidemic

Town Hall in Virginia Park includes Medical Director of LA County, Santa Monica Mayor and City Council Members.

Img 01) Santa Monica Mayor Gleam Davis address the crowd of people inside the Thelma Terry Building at Virgina Park in her opening remarks during the town hall meeting to address the Southern California fentanyl epidemic with Santa Monica Mayor and public health experts inside the Thelma Terry building on Wednesday June 21st 2023.

IMG 02) Dr. Brian Hurley "Medical Director, substance abuse prevention and control Los Angeles County speaks about the increase of fentanyl deaths are increasing because the supplies are getting larger to the crowd inside the Thelma Terry Building at Virgina Park during the town hall meeting to address the Southern California fentanyl epidemic with Santa Monica Mayor and public health experts inside the Thelma Terry building on Wednesday June 21st 2023.

Img 03) Center Amy Neville president of the Alexander Neville foundation becomes emotional when discussing with the crowd the passing of her son Alexander due to a fentanyl overdose almost 3 years ago during the town hall meeting to address the Southern California fentanyl epidemic with Santa Monica Mayor and public health experts inside the Thelma Terry building on Wednesday June 21st 2023.

Img 04)Center Jayson Lansford "Prevention Manager" with Claire Matrix answers just one of the many questions which were asked to the members of panel discussion group discussing the issues surround the Southern California fentanyl epidemic during the during the town hall meeting to address the Southern California fentanyl epidemic with Santa Monica Mayor and public health experts inside the Thelma Terry building on Wednesday June 21st 2023. On Jayson's left is Adele McGahey who is a substance abuse counselor with DIdi Hirsch mental services on his right is Shuli Lotan "Coordinator of mental health counseling at Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District.

img 05)Sandy Logan Program Director, Pueblo-Salud and certified prevention specialist Feldenkrais Pracitioner demonstrates and explains how to use Narcan nasal device with a model head during the town hall meeting to address the Southern California fentanyl epidemic with Santa Monica Mayor and public health experts inside the Thelma Terry building on Wednesday June 21st 2023.


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