Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

The Naked Truth: Clothing is now Optional on Main Street in Santa Monica

Should we care that some guy wants to walk down main street swinging his Johnson? Well, ask your wife. Ask any mother of young children.

9.5.23: You can pretty much do whatever you want to in Santa Monica lately. We all know there are plenty of drugged out, crazy folks in Santa Monica recently. But the naked truth is, you can walk down main street in Santa Monica and no one will stop you.

To be fair, Main Street is right by the beach, and people have always worn beach clothing there from time to time. But a dude walked by me with it all hanging out on Tuesday morning. And I knew that man kind had now returned to the stone age.

Should we care that some guy wants to walk down main street swinging his Johnson? Well, ask your wife. Ask any mother of young children.

I got a call from a reader who said that he walked by the same naked dude at Main and Ashland. I took the photos accompanying this article at Main and Hill, so he got at least a couple blocks down the street before, I don't know, maybe the cold put an end to his walk.


Reader Comments(1)

IMontemayor writes:

Perhaps this guy missed Burning Man and was visualizing The Playa, and that means Beach, en espanol!