Can It And Should It Be Stopped? Shall We Try?
Is nothing sacred in Hollywood? Does history account for nothing? A golden era which is long gone and almost forgotten is about to become a little bleaker.
The only home that Marilyn Monroe owned and was tragically found dead in, is about to be destroyed as mercilessly as she was by the Hollywood machine that used her up.
If the walls in the late icon's former residence could talk, they would whisper tales and secrets far more intriguing and glamorous that today's Instagram selfies, of that I am sure.
I personally think that Marilyn Monroe is the titular icon of Hollywood and should be remembered as so.
In England we would cherish and preserve her home with the respect and dignity it deserves, the two things Marilyn sought throughout her short life.
A memorial plaque should be placed on the wall of the home as a historic reminder of a gone by golden era. A forgotten time, cast aside by a world of Superhero movies, video games and AI.
I truly think people should come together and boycott the destruction of her sacred home.
I am not sure the current owner will be in agreement. The owner has filed for demolition permits, of the one-story, Hacienda-style estate, nestled on 2,900 square feet at the end of a tranquil cul-de-sac adjacent to San Vicente . The property is located at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive in the upscale Los Angeles neighborhood of Brentwood. The picturesque 1929-built residence boasts four bedrooms, three bathrooms and an array of original architectural features, including beamed ceilings, terra cotta tile floors and casement windows
The sale of the property is rumored to have been $8.35 million. The city Department of Building and Safety gave the green light for a "plan check" on Sept. 5, signaling the initial stages of the demolition process for this iconic property. However, a formal permit for demolition is yet to be granted.
Time will tell if the whispers of old Hollywood are to be silenced.
Reader Comments(1)
Don writes:
A touching piece…hope it turns public minds around. This home should be cherished.
09/06/2023, 5:04 pm