Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

The Story of Barbara Phillips: A Potentially Innocent Woman with 26 Years Behind Bars

Most LWOPs are apex predators, wolves disguised in human flesh. On the rare occasion an innocent woman is swept up with no guilt or factual basis and forced to live labeled as any other killer would be.

UPDATED: to include Barbara Phillips's contact information.

Behold, this is the story of Barbara Phillips. We call her "Ms. Bobbie" here on the prison women's prison yard. Ms. Bobbie is here with an LWOP sentence with 26 years down. As California courts implement new resentencing laws, male prisoners regularly get relief from the courts and ultimately leave BEFORE female prisoners. Younger prisoners also get relief before older ones. Now, honestly, you should know that I don't care about either of these things. However, I do care about my friend Ms. Bobbie.

LWOP means Life Without the possibility of Parole. The worst sentence of all. Most LWOP prisoners are like being in the presence of a great white shark. They have black eyes and they give you the chills. Most LWOPs are apex predators, wolves disguised in human flesh. On the rare occasion an innocent woman is swept up with no guilt or factual basis and forced to live labeled as any other killer would be. I've met only 2 such women in this position during my 19 years down. I've known Bobbie for 17 years. She is innocent in every sense of the word. That's the only reason I'm invested in her case and her cause. She was pregnant by her abuser at the time of her arrest. Her abuser was her co-defendant. She was a nurse by trade. She had no criminal history. This is her first time arrested. Over the last 17 years, I've seen Ms. Bobbie grow and change as I've done the same. I've changed and gone through many phases. Bobbie has remained the same. No drugs. No girlfriends. No prison criminal behaviors. Bobbie has done every self-help group available. She's even earned her A.A. and enrolled in the Cal State L.A. Bachelor's program here at C.I.W. She earned her paralegal certificate and even used it to help others at the prison's law library.

Barbara Phillips is from Riverside, CA where she was sentenced. She got her conviction overturned almost 2 years ago. Riverside County's DA keeps using stall tactics to delay justice. Ms. Phillips is overdue to be resentenced. The Riverside DA is an officer of the court and acting in bad faith. Barbara Phillips was never guilty. Tese delays extend an innocent woman's time in this dark place.

Bobbie Phillips is an LA native. She has fond memories of the Santa Monica Pier. She's now 54 years old and enjoys mentoring and helping younger female prisoners.

I'm endlessly fascinated by the law. I'm going to leave you with a question to chew on for those legal minds and constitutional scholars out there. Ms. Phillips' trial attorney represented her while his license to practice law was suspended. This constitutes perjury and fraud and is automatic grounds for a new trial, am I right?

Feel free to follow up if you dare...

Contact information for Ms. Phillips:

Barbara Phillips #W84247

16756 Chino-Corona Road

Corona, CA 942880


Email app:


Reader Comments(1)

Stelswhere1211 writes:

Riverside District Attorney Michael A Hestrin 3960 Orange St, Riverside, CA 92501 Im thinking the only way to get his attention is to flood his office with correspondence. I dont know much of how the law works, but you would think that there would be a team specifically designated to pushing these types of cases forward........but where's the profit in that?

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