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90 Percent of Third Street Promenade Businesses Report Shoplifting, with 72 Percent Experiencing Almost Every Day

Survey conducted by the Santa Monica Coalition shows rampant retail theft on the Promenade

April 25, 2024 - The Santa Monica Coalition conducted 3 separate walks and surveys of every ground floor retail business with its owner or store manager in November 2023, January 2024, and February 2024. The purpose was to determine the amount of retail theft and shoplifting. The 3 dates were selected to analyze any difference before and after DTSM, Inc.'s hiring of Legion Corporation, a Fresno-based company selected to patrol the 3rd Street Promenade and Downtown. There was less than a 15% difference among the 3 dates.

Geographic boundaries were Ocean Ave. on the west to 5th St. on the east, and Wilshire Blvd. on the north to Colorado Blvd on the south. Ninety (90%) of businesses reported 'walk-in' theft and shoplifting Seventy (72%) reported 20 to 30 instances a month. Four (4) businesses, one on the 1400 block of the Promenade, reported one per hour.

86% of the theft was described as having been committed by those displaying unstable, odd and erratic behavior. Almost all business owners and managers surveyed described thieves on drugs, some appearing homeless, others not. Less than 30% of the theft was reported due to fast exits by thieves, concerns over safety, potential loss of insurance coverage and increase in premiums.

The majority of those surveyed stated they felt more comfortable calling SMPD, and not the private security hired by DTSM, Inc. Approximately 27% of ground floor businesses have hired their own private plain clothes or uniformed security since the first survey was taken. Almost all retail and dining businesses that have closed along the Promenade and the area surveyed in Santa Monica's Downtown, cited a lack of safety for their employees and patrons, increased shoplifting, retail shrinkage and profit loss.


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