Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Colombian President Accused of Extortion; Cubans Fighting Ukraine for Putin; Drug Cartels Decide Elections in Mexico and Other Stories: Interamerican Watch Newsletter


Mexican Senate Candidate Willy Ochoa surrounds himself with bodyguards to protect against the drug cartels


Javier Milei inaugurated the bust of Carlos Menem in the Casa Rosada: "he was the best President of the last 40 years"

At the entrance to the Casa Rosada, in the center of the Hall of Honor, the bust of Carlos Saúl Menem smiles unmistakably. His sculpture is the only one of the twenty images of presidents that does not look serious or solemn....Read more >>



Gustavo Petro Campaign: the mysterious chapter about the plane for the campaign

The authorities' magnifying glass is focused on the hiring and expenses of air transportation for President Gustavo Petro's campaign. On the one hand, the CNE says that they hid payments of 2,213 million pesos. On the other hand, Carlos Eduardo Restrepo, who ended up convicted of drug trafficking in the US, would have participated in the execution of that contract. These are the details....Read more >>


The ELN accuses President Petro of receiving extortion money when he was a member of the M-19

The head of the National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrilla, Eliécer Herlinto Chamorro Acosta, alias 'Antonio García', has accused this Saturday the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, of having requested and received money from extortion when he was member of the guerrilla group M-19....Read more >>


The authoritarian Gustavo Petro

Last week, Colombian President Gustavo Petro once again confirmed what many feared, but he denied during the 2022 presidential campaign: that he seeks to implement a Chavista-style radical leftist agenda in Colombia....Read more >>



Surviving in Havana of socialism or death in Cuba

Tourists who visit the historic area of the Cuban capital are exposed to a swarm of people coming after them to offer them something that allows them to obtain money in exchange...Read more >>


Ghost of Russia's past: Putin conscripts young Cubans to fight Ukraine

The embattled Russian leader's dream of reconstituting the Soviet Union has proven more difficult than he anticipated. Mr. Putin on Sunday replaced Sergei Shoigyu, his longtime ally and defense minister, with an economist, signaling that his illegal invasion of Ukraine is causing a financial drain on the country, and a recent assessment by the British government estimates that the Kremlin has suffered 450,000 casualties since the war began. On Monday, Ukraine's military said that Russia lost 1,740 troops in a single day, marking the highest number of daily Russian casualties....Read more >>



Rafael Correa would have planned to imprison Lenín Moreno and María Paula Romo, and then start a mutiny, according to audios of the Encuentro case; he denies it

The dialogue took place on October 7, 2022 at the home of businessman Nain M. Two men spoke. One stated that Rafael Correa Delgado had proposed him to be a candidate for the Citizen Revolution (RC). The transcript of the talk was published yesterday by the State Attorney General's Office, among the files of the Encuentro case....Read more >>


Interamerican Institute for Democracy

In search of a system of government?

By our Director: Luis Beltrán Guerra G.

It is not bold to say that people, tired of broken promises, demand concrete solutions....Read more >>


Google Maps

Is the Jewish community prepared for the level of Judeophobia that exists in the United States today?

By our Director: Ricardo Israel

Because of everything that has happened and apparently will continue to happen, perhaps the community is going to have to prepare for what until October 6 was unthinkable, that in a few years there could be an occupant of the Oval Office of the White House who does not only was an anti-Semite, but also declared that he was proud to be one....Read more >>


21st century and transitions in Latin America

By our Director: Beatrice E. Rangel

.. since the 16th century, various geographical expressions have coexisted that nest feudal institutions whose virtue has been to prolong political corporatism and economic mercantilism for centuries....Read more >>


The cause of hemispheric insecurity are the dictatorships from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua

By our Director: Carlos Sánchez Berzaín

...expansion of the dictatorships from China, Russia, and Iran in the Americas, is the result of the absence of democracy in countries under the control of organized crime and the root cause and origin of hemispheric insecurity....Read more >>



Elections in Mexico: drug cartels choose candidates and kill rivals

This time, unlike the previous one, he would be prepared for cartel attacks. He was accompanied by three trucks loaded with national guard troops. Two state police cars with red lights flashing. He was in his own armored SUV and had a complement of muscular bodyguards. One of them was sitting in the bed of a truck, with his eyes fixed on the sky....Read more >>



The United States imposed sanctions against the Nicaraguan regime and Russian interference in the country

The government of US President Joe Biden sanctioned a Russian training center in Nicaragua for being "a key actor in the repression" orchestrated by dictator Daniel Ortega and two gold companies, the Treasury Department reported this Wednesday....Read more >>



After being accused by the Maduro regime, journalist assures that she will continue to "expose her criminal nature"

The Venezuelan independent investigative journalist, Maibort Petit, responded to "the unfounded accusations" against her by Tarek William Saab, attorney general of the Nicolás Maduro regime. On May 7, the Venezuelan Public Ministry had issued an international arrest warrant through Interpol against Petit and other journalists for allegedly being part of a plot organized by the former Chavista official, now disgraced, Tareck El Aissami, to attack to the government of Caracas....Read more >>


Irregular migration of Venezuelans to Mexico has increased by 324% so far this year

The chaos generated by the elections in Venezuela is affected by migration in Mexico, where the number of Venezuelans intercepted by the Government has risen 324% so far this year and they already represent one in four irregular migrants in the country....Read more >>



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