All Donations will benefit Rockport and Suburbs of Corpus Christi, Texas
SANTA MONICA (SEPT. 2, 2017)-The American Legion has partnered with the Santa Monica and Los Angeles communities to provide relief to those Texas families most impacted by hurricane Harvey. American Legion Post Palisades 283, Santa Monica 123, Venice 177, the Santa Monica College Student Veterans Association and Santa Monica Elks Lodge 906 is gathering items to be delivered by truck in just a few weeks.
Donations dates will be September 2-15, 2017, for delivery September 16-18, 2017. Dropoff locations include:
Santa Monica College Police Department (1718 Pearl St.) . SMC Veterans Resource Center (across Pearl St., Liberal Arts Building, Room 135)
Santa Monica Elk Lodge 906 (1040 Pico Blvd.) - Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pacific Palisades Post 283 (15247 La Cruz Dr.)
Suggested donations include bottled water, clothes, canned food, blankets, toiletries, diapers, formula, dog and cat food, and generators.
[IDEAS: Socks of any size and color, new adult men's and women's underwear, children's coloring books, puzzle books, and toys, pet supplies, feminine hygiene products, towels of all sizes, diapers, formula, and wipes, adult and children's clothing, snack bars (breakfast/protein), jerky, body wash, disposable razors, cotton swabs/Q-Tips, tissues, cleaning supplies, leather gloves, dust masks]
All Donations will benefit Rockport and Suburbs of Corpus Christi, Texas
BACKGROUND: A Texas Army veteran whose family was impacted by recent flooding reached out to his battle buddy in Los Angeles to see if he could help. The two served together in Afghanistan and pledged to always have one another's backs. That pact didn't dissolve when the infantrymen parted ways after their military service and that's what the American Legion is all about-continued service to community, country and comrade.
The American Legion is one of the largest wartime veterans service organizations in the country. Chartered by Congress in 1919, the Legion is credited with creating the forerunner to the Veterans Administration and the Montgomery G.I. Bill, the first iteration of legislation that offers free college to veterans.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is an American fraternal order founded in 1868 originally as a social club in New York City. It often engages in philanthropic endeavors benefitting physically handicapped children, sponsoring Elks National Foundation scholarships, scouting, athletic teams, veterans' works, a national "Hoop Shoot" free-throw contest involving more than 3 million children, physical and occupational therapy programs and patriotic programs.
The Santa Monica Student Veterans Association works to advance the interests of student veterans on the community college campus.
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