Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

How We Deal With Hard Times Reflects Our Search for Spirituality

The purpose of spirituality is to expand your personal connection to the unknown, unseen and mysterious

One of the biggest misconceptions about spirituality is that the reason for it is to make your life suddenly easier, better and possibly- perfect. Wouldn't that be lovely?

While your life certainly might become easier and better, it's not really about that.

The purpose of spirituality is to expand your personal connection to the unknown, unseen and mysterious force we are all connected to.

Any daily practice should be about teaching you the path to accepting yourself – to evolving out of the habits you once avoided owning- but now will. It should aim to help you see your place in the universe and the truth that there's a bigger plan – and that this plan doesn't need you to be centered on becoming a 'star', either.

The core of spirituality is helping you understand cosmic acceptance. That all things happen for you, not to punish you, but to encourage moments of growth, spirituality doesn't aim to avoid hard truths or feelings. Instead, true spirituality is about embracing absolute truth. Spirituality guides you to harness all uncomfortable moments as opportunities, so these moments can teach you vital lessons about life.

What a time you're in right now. Jam-packed full of intensity, uncertainty and perhaps worry. This is a perfect time to grow and expand.

So, what does this trendy term, 'spirituality' really mean? Simply put: It's your personal connection to the Universe. It might be religion, it might be meditation, it might be praying to your ancestors – it could even be art! Spirituality is personal because it's ever expanding and ever evolving, based on what YOU need and what YOU learn. The path each person takes is often different but the core is always the same – connection.

How do you adopt a more spiritual mind-set, today? Instead of avoiding the uncomfortable things in your life, or desperately seeking that elusive thing called 'peace', shift the way you look at your day. The uncomfortable moments are gems! Don't try to find solace through avoidance.

What do you think your spirituality is? Once you find it, don't take it too seriously, enjoy it. Then, take that and focus it on what is being shown to you. Got an uncomfortable feeling or reality to deal with? Look at it through the lens of your spirituality.

Look at the feeling (happy, sad, uncomfortable, angry, etc), look at the point to that feeling, the root of that feeling, the gift of that feeling and then finally, the breakthrough of that feeling.

If everything that happens- happens for you – ESPECIALLY the very uncomfortable and complicated things, what is this moment giving you to learn?


Todd Savvas is an international spiritual teacher specialising in the modern and mystical. He can be seen on Good Day LA and Young Hollywood. You can connect with him on his social media @toddsavvas or arrange private sessions with him visit his website


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