Emotional moment for all, as late pitcher is remembered and Debbie Skaggs throws the first pitch.
Friday night July 12, Debbie Skaggs threw out the first pitch, and the entire Angels team wore "45" in memory of Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs. Skaggs died on July 1 of uncertain causes, and this was the first home game since then.
After throwing out the first pitch, Tyler Skaggs' mother walked toward home plate, and hugged the team manager. She seemed emotional, but strong. Mrs. Skaggs is a softball coach and physical education teacher at santa monica high school.
The official Angels Twitter account tweeted:
"We're currently working with the MLB and MLBPA on making items available honoring Tyler in the Angel Stadium Team Store. In the meantime, fans interested in donating can do so through his foundation here: tylerskaggsbaseballfoundation.org"
#RIP45 was trending on twitter all evening. At the end of the game, the Angels having routed the Seattle Mariners 13 to zero, the players lay their red #45 shirts on the pitchers mound.
"Really touching moment. There's a lot more to baseball than wins and losses folks. Hope this can help the Skaggs family and those closest to him start to heal and maybe one day it can be a fond memory too. #RIP45," tweeted one Angels fan.
Skaggs' 28th birthday would have been Saturday.
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