With Social distancing, On-line dating and Pornhub, is Sex in the 2020's Really Safer?
With over a billion people in seclusion because of the world wide Corona-virus Pandemic it's not surprising that single people are seeking new ways to pass the time and socialize while practicing "social distancing.
On March 24, 2020 Corey Price, Vice President of Pornhub stated in a press release announced that Pornhub is offering free Pornhub Premium worldwide, to encourage people to stay home and reduce the spreading of the Corona-virus.
Many of the online dating apps like JDate, Bumble, OK Cupid and Match.com are offering video chatting as an option to get a more intimate introduction. There are now sexting and FaceTime Hookups
Web CAM girls have been experiencing an extreme surge in business globally earning $1700 a week or more, unable to satisfy the demand by the deluge of new clients.
Sex Toy companies most popular item a "remote controlled vibrator" sold out online and has an extensive back order waiting list.
Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and an indispensable advisor in the White House Coronavirus task force told Vanity Fair reporter Peter Hamby He does not recommend hooking up with a stranger during the pandemic because you would be opening yourself and others to a "relative risk"
Dr Anthony Fauci said it's probably better to postpone hookups for now if you don't want to have any part of this virus. He recommends "Zoom Sex Parties" like Killing Kittens an exclusive global members-only sex club. Killing Kittens presented its first exclusive online orgy through video chat service, zoom in place of its habitual house parties on March 27, 2020
This online orgy hosted 100 members from the privacy of their homes to the to enjoy the beautiful exotic and erotic female entertainers perform live on stage or in cages , with fire performers, wild burlesque , music and interacted with the invited members through video chatting. All guests had to wear a mask to preserve their privacy, and were encourage to wear sexy lingerie, and have their sex toys close by. These sex party attendees were able to see 55 other screens at once and communicated via a written chat box. This digital orgy was filled with couples masturbating, having sex or posing.
This was a bargain at $25 couple and no one caught or spread the Coronavirus.
Since March 19, 2020 when California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a state wide 'stay at home order.' Do you really think that the single residents of California are not hooking up? The answer is no!
During the past 6 weeks since this "Stay at home" QUARANTINE. I have conducted extensive research and have interviewed over 500 of single men and women between the ages of 21-70. (The majority between ages 30-65) in the Los Angeles area. My results came from online members from the single on line dating sites of "OK Cupid, JDate, JSwipe, Match.com. Hinge, Bumble, Millionaire Match, Plenty of Fish, Face-Book dating and others. I was shocked to hear that about 30% or more of single men and woman were actively dating and hooking up despite the lockdown and awareness of the dangers of giving or getting the Coronavirus.
It is apparent to me that the residents of Los Angeles (La La Land) are in denial. Just because a person is college educated, professional and drives a new Mercedes does not prevent them from getting or carrying the Coronavirus and spread it to others.
A person can be asymptomatic and unknowing transmit this horrific virus to another person if social distancing is not practiced.
Sexual intimacy or hooking up with a stranger, or someone that you are not already living with is very risky, hazardous and selfish. I do not want to be forced to stay at home longer because of the narcissistic single people that are dating and spreading the disease, and killing people because of their ignorance.
Just last week on Facebook I was made aware of a real estate broker from Beverly Hills that is hosting a 'Coronavirus private house party 'with 100 or more people invited. All the guests are supposed to have taken the test and be "Negative". I seriously doubt that there will be a doorman checking all guests for negative Covid-19 test results.
I am appalled these house parties are given by allegedly educated single men and woman. #Make America Great Again! #Be Safe #Stay Home -- Take it from me, a Ladies of the Eighties type.
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