Not a word from activists on how to address our gun violence epidemic, says LAPPL
UPDATE:The Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) is offering a $20,000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of the murderer of twelve-year-old Alexander Alvarado who was shot and killed in Wilmington on Monday.
Los Angeles (CA) Yesterday, a young boy was shot and killed, and a 4th-grade girl and a 20-year-old woman were shot in Los Angeles in the same incident. This is the just the latest example of the rampant gun violence gripping our city. Despite the increase in gunshot and homicide victims, there's nothing but silence from the anti-public safety activists and their enabling politicians as to what to do to keep our neighborhoods and schools safe.
"Kids, little kids getting shot and killed on the streets of Los Angeles should outrage us all," said Craig Lally, President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League. "We pray for the victims and their families as they grapple with this latest tragedy."
"When there is little to no accountability for those that commit crimes, both large and small, then this type of senseless terror will continue in our city," added Lally. "We need an immediate response to this gun epidemic by fully funding a gun recovery task force to go and get these guns from criminals, and we need a district attorney who will prosecute gun crimes to the fullest extent of the law."
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