Why did the Los Angeles Times give advance warning to Sheila Kuehl of last week's Sheriff's Dept. search warrant? And why does Patti Giggans get a no bid contract for $900K every year?
L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva is asking the CA Attorney General to open an investigation into Supervisor Sheila Kuehl being tipped off that a search warrant was going to be served at her home. Kuehl admitted on live television that she received advance warning of the search from the Los Angeles Times, and from L.A. County officials.
Authorities released a redacted copy of the Search Warrant and attached affidavit filed prior to last week's Wednesday morning search of LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl's Santa Monica residence.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is investigating "an allegation of criminal conduct" by Kuehl and three "sole source contracts" awarded to Peace Over Violence.
Patti Giggans is Peace Over Violence's executive director and was appointed by Kuehl to the Sheriff Civilian Oversight panel. Kuehl and Giggans are close personal friends and share the same progressive views.
Peace over Violence runs an MTA "Sexual Harassment" call in line. The phone line receives less than one call per week.
The MTA renewed the contract every year from 2018 through 2022, paying a total of $890,000 to Peace Over Violence over multiple years
The warrant to search Kuehl's Santa Monica home –signed by Superior Court Judge Craig Richman – authorized the LASD to seize any documents or electronic files "related to the Peace Over Violence contract acquisition."
Kuehl represents District 3 on the LA County Board of Supervisors, which includes much of the Westside. She is 82, and is not running to keep her seat on the County Board of Supervisors.
Some progressives say Kuehl was targeted for her opposition to Alex Villanueva. The Sheriff has earned the ire of leftists by clearing homeless encampments in Venice Beach, Olvera Street and other Los Angeles tourist locations.
Kuehl supported placing a measure on the November ballot that would allow the board of supervisors to remove an LA County Sheriff. The sheriff is a separately elected position.
Kuehl Pal Patti Giggans runs an MTA "Sexual Harassment" call in line, which receives less than one call per week. LA County pays $890,000 a year.
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