The murder took place at a red light just outside the sheriff's station, indicating that the killer had targeted a Sheriff's deputy
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept chief Robert Luna said that the investigation was ongoing. But police still had no person of interest or suspect in the murder of a sheriff's deputy in Palmdale Saturday.
Security camera footage had been expected to yield clues in the murder of Ryan Clinkunbroomer, 30. The murder took place at a red light just outside the sheriff's station, indicating that the killer had targeted a Sheriff's deputy (thought not necessarily Clinkunbroomer).
"Surveillance video from outside LASD Palmdale station shows Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer's patrol car pull up to a red light, then a black car pull up beside. The deputy's car rolls fwd slightly as black car speeds off. The murderers had to know about the cameras but didn't care," tweeted Jennifer Van Laar, a noted local journalist.
"We're broken, as if any of your workmates had been murdered for the mere fact that you were doing your job," Luna told reporters at a press conference conducted just after 4 pm on Sunday, Sept. 17th.
"But we are focused on Ryan's family. But we still have a job to do, and we're gonna do it. 911 calls won't stop coming in just because we lost a hero. So I ask our community to support our amazing men and women. Thank you."
Several hundred thousands of dollars in reward money has been offered for information leading to the arrest or conviction of the killers or killer. The security camera footage may be seen on X.COM at
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