I'm going to be the president who will help you fix it, because he (Biden) would not have been able to help you fix it.
US President Trump visited Pacific Palisades on 1.24.25. Here are my notes of what he said to a room full of Congressmen, County Supervisors, Mayor Bass and others:
You know what's amazing? Every homeowner I met with wants to rebuild. It's like a family. It's incredible when you think about it
I just met with homeowners in NC, and it's the same thing, it's water disaster not fire. But it's the same thing
They gave me a little helmet that says 47, I said is this real?
Your governor met us at the plane and we had a good talk we have to work together to get this worked out
You don't realize when you see this on TV, this is incredible. It's an incineration, you see it on TV it's bad but not that bad
The federal government is behind you 100% the first lady and I are in California to express a great love. We did relatively well in the last election. I have property in California up the road in Palos verdes
We have to grieve for the 28 people who lost their lives in California
I watched your fire fighters they were fighting at a disadvantage. They were thinking of country above this area. It's an honor to meet you and I know you by name. Kathryn Barger, Mayor Bass, Vince Fong, Kevin Kiley,
Darryl Issa, Young Kim congratulations on an excellent career. Tom McLintock he's been with us a long time
George Whitesides, Brad Sherman, we're on the same side of this one.
Presidential envoy Rick Grinnel, who's done a great job for us.
2 weeks ago 60mile an hour winds transformed the Palisades fire into an inferno of death and destruction. The most expensive fire disaster in american history. We're going to work very hard with the mayor and the governor.]We
We have some amazing fighters, and also developers have called me they don't want
We're going to wait all federal permits. We don't want to take ten days, a federal permit could take ten years
I ask that the local permitting process be the same.
They'd like to start tonight. They were a little concerned about 18 months (delay). I met so many of them, it's nice and cool there now. They want to take the debris, you're going to see some amazing things happen.
We'll rely on the local they're literally ready to start tonight. Every single person says they Leo their community and they want to rebuild. It's incredible. She greeted my wife in a very different language.
I'm signing an executive order to open up the pumps and valves in the North, we want to get that water here immediately. That'll be a big benefit to you. The fire dept was very happy about that. There's a lot of water available. We have to have that water, unlimited water coming up from the Pacific NW and even from Canada.
I really strongly recommended this 7 years ago. We're also surging federal resources to the State
California must adopt common sense policies to avoid future fires. I was talking to an Austrian. They have more flammable trees. I know some environmental groups want the trees to just melt into the ground. You have 30 years of leaves and the leaves and dry and they burn.
In Paradise, the trees are ok because they suck that water right out of the ground. The trees are dark on the bottom, 18 months maximum you have to rake the trees.
its called
There can be no golden age without the golden state. It's a great state. We're going to open the coffers. This was a horrible thing to watch.
Brad Sherman: Mr. President thank you for coming to the 32nd district. We have 16 times as much props damage here as in Hawaii, and I hope we get 16 times the funds.
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