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Giraffe the best Father's Day this year by ADOPTing an Animal! Show your love with a gift that helps save endangered species and symbolically ADOPT an animal at the Los Angeles Zoo! All ADOPT packages include a personalized adoption certificate and a beautiful photo factsheet of your chosen animal. Plus, ADOPTions at $50 or higher will include a paper-framed 4x6 in. photograph of an adorable nuzzle between a giraffe dad and son! All our resident animals are available for...
May 29, 2024 - In an email to alumni, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Hillel Rabbi, Michelle H. Fisher, politely expressed her concerns about ongoing anti-Israel protests at the university and expected disruptions at the upcoming graduation ceremony. A large pro-Hamas encampment had been installed in April, contrary to Institute policy, on the Kresge Oval, an expansive grassy area connecting the dorms to the student center and classrooms. Outside agitators...
SANTA MONICA now surpasses 97% of California communities of any size in the number of violent and property crimes. CRIME has increased in SANTA MONICA for the 3rd consecutive year according to SMPD. Issuance of Daily Public Arrest Records were just discontinued. Why? SANTA MONICA Police made over 5,000 (reported) calls to the 3 main PARKS visited by TOURISTS and RESIDENTS in 2023. SM Police are underfunded by the Mayor and City Council. There has been a 1 to 1 increase in...
June 12, 2024 - During the lunch hour today, John Alle, business and property owner, witnessed paramedics dealing with an overdose situation in popular Palisades Park in Santa Monica. As EMTs attempted to help the victim, two individuals, apparently homeless, harrassed them in their efforts. Palisades Park runs from the Santa Monica pier along Ocean Avenue all the way to the north end of Santa Monica. It is a major destination point for tourists with its clear views of the...
May 31, 2024 - During the safety meeting last Thursday I asked the POA Chairman Cody Green, in front 5 sitting council-members, how many police we need in Santa Monica. Without caveats he said 300 (we now have around 225). I was reminded of the defense of Thermopylae, a narrow pass that was held by 300 Spartans for three days against a vast Persian army, because we too are a city under siege. I spent part of my Memorial Day weekend on a ride-along with one of our current Spart...