Mexican Children's Hospital Research on problems of development from brain function perspective.
• Mexico´s Children's Hospital "Federico Gomez" presents the first research progress about problems of development from the brain function perspective
• This alteration in neuronal ducts can be treated with medication and psychotherapy
A study by researchers at Mexico´s Children's Hospital "Federico Gomez" (HIMFG by its initials in Spanish) announced that there are neurological disorders that may predispose to children to develop obesity, sleep disorders, short stature or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
At a press conference, the head of Neurology at HIMFG, Dr. Eduardo Javier Barragan Perez, who is leading the investigation, said that it was also identified that the neural disorder can be treated with medication and psychotherapy.
Accompanied by doctors Silvia Hidalgo Tobon, Magnetic Resonance researcher; and Pilar Dies Suarez, Head of Imaging at the HIMFG; Dr. Barragan Perez explained that the study was conducted in a group of healthy children and in another composed by children with obesity, ADHD, short stature or behavior or language problems. They were all practiced different imaging studies to understand the functioning of their brain.
Dr. Pilar Dies Suarez said that in order to obtain the results in both groups, was made a comparison of the brain tracts, where it was observed that children with a pathology presented a problem of brain connectivity.
She said typically, brain tracts would be the communication channels responsible for bringing information to the different areas of the brain; when they don´t work properly, the message arrives late, which limits the functioning.
The specialist shared the experience in handling medical treatment to children with ADHD in this situation; it was observed that those who were medicated and had a year of treatment presented a significant improvement in the functioning of the brain tracts. The specialists recommended to parents that if they observe non-appropriate behavior in their children as aggression, uncontrolled impulses, obesity or stunting, search for medical advice.
They also stressed that it is important to detect this condition before five years of age or during adolescence, so that the treatment has a better effect. These are the preliminary findings of the study; it still has several aspects to investigate.
Mexico´s Children´s Hospital "Federico Gomez" was founded in 1943 and is located at the center of Mexico City.
This hospital is part of a number of institutions with the Certification of the General Health Council of Mexico´s Ministry of Health for its high quality sanitary standards.
It provides highly specialized medical care with safety and quality to Mexican children. Also, prepares human resources and carry out scientific research of excellence. In addition provides medical care highly specialized in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of children without social security and therefore with lower socioeconomic resources.
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