It was too good to last: Places to drink liquor in public are once again being closed in California
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday ordered closed all bars, wineries, nightclubs and brewpubs closed in 7 counties. This is similar to an order issued on March 15, then mitigated on June 15 in a bid to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
Restaurants may remain open but can serve only half as many as their maximum occupancies to create space between diners, Newsom said at a news conference.
The counties under the mandatory bar closure order are: Los Angeles, Fresno, San Joaquin, Kings, Kern, Imperial and Tulare.
State officials asked eight other counties — Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Sacramento, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara and Stanislaus — to issue local health orders closing bars.
“Californians must remain vigilant against this virus,” Newsom said in statement. “COVID-19 is still circulating in California, and in some parts of the state, growing stronger. That’s why it is critical we take this step to limit the spread of the virus in the counties that are seeing the biggest increases.”
The text message from LA County reads as follows: COVID-19 Update - 6.28.2020: "Bars, wineries, nightclubs, and brewpubs in LA County must close immediately through new Governor order given rising new cases of COVID-19. Thank you for doing your part."
"@GavinNewsom You suck!" tweeted one Thomas Haask in response. "Your decision to close the bars in LA is not based in science. I get the daily COVID LA County text updates and the stats haven't changed that much in three months. You suck!"
LA County has a total of 95,371 Covid 19 cases. Not subtracting those since released, LA County has hospitalized 8,129 Covid cases. 3,285 people have died from Coronavirus this year.
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