Tsunami watch issued and then canceled.
An 8.2 magnitude earthquakes struck the u.s. state of Alaska Wednesday night, around 15 minutes after midnight Pacific standard time. It was centered off the coast of Alaska, and tsunami warnings were issued for the US Pacific coast Hawaii and Guam. They were canceled at 1:15 AM Pacific standard time, as no waves materialized.
The earthquake was said to be the biggest one anywhere in the United States since 1965. An 8.2 magnitude earthquake would be 10 times larger in terms of its release of energy, than the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake. It may be the largest earthquake anywhere in the world in 36 months.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake, which struck at 10:15 p.m. local time (0615 GMT Thursday), was at a depth of 35 km.
In Alaska, the National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) issued warnings for southern parts, the Peninsula, and Pacific coastal areas from Hinchinbrook Entrance to Unimak Pass. It also issued a “tsunami watch” for the U.S. state of Hawaii.
This is breaking news. Further details as they become available
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