Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

The Hypocrisy of Antisemitics

To really show your contempt and disgust with Jewish people, toss your tv remote, shopping cart, jeans, aspirin, sewing machines, pacemakers, defibrillators, and Novocain.

Have you ever been so disgusted with a person or an organization that you want nothing to do with them in any way whatsoever? For example, there are those who divest themselves of stocks because of those companies that make their money from chemicals that pollute the food we eat. They could further their stance of opposing such companies if they also refused to buy any of their products containing those chemicals. But what would you think of them if they nevertheless used the very chemicals that they just boycotted?


Cell phones were developed by the Israeli branch of the Motorola company. So those who support BDS should stop using their cell phones.

Although I have never been able to quite understand the centuries-long disdain of Jewish people, for purposes of this article, I am not going to guilt, cajole or otherwise try to change the minds of those who simply dislike Jews. But I do want to question those who have no problem benefiting from so many things in their lives that Jewish people have provided for you. To really be antisemitic, you should at least begin by refusing medical or legal help from doctors and lawyers who are of this religion.

But that is not all. To really show your contempt and disgust with Jewish people, toss your tv remote, shopping cart, jeans, aspirin, sewing machines, pacemakers, defibrillators, and Novocain. I could list literally hundreds of other things that you should sweep from your lives but you could easily find long lists of discoveries and accomplishments by the very people who are disparaged. Also, forget about you and your family being protected by the polio vaccine. And - sorry to have to tell you that your entertainment would take a hit if you lived true to your convictions. No more color TVs, videotape, sound movies and sitcoms.


Now I can understand if there is skepticism about all of the above being true. I would suggest you verify for yourselves, but you will likely have to use encyclopedias or your local library to find this information.

Because for those who do not want to appear hypocritical about their beliefs, I am afraid you won't in good conscience be allowed to use Google.


Reader Comments(1)

microcosme writes:

You are right, and I have also thought the same thing myself. However, these maroons will divest themselves of nothing and remain either ignorant or uncaring about their own foolishness.