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One Spectator Dead in the Stands at the Rally Behind President Trump. Two more injured in Secret Service Failure

Clearly the shooter was an excellent shot with high tech equipment. He was at a distance from President Trump, yet missed killing him by a fraction of an inch.

We are waiting for the identity of the deceased shooter. However, blood in the stands behind where President Trump was shot in the head, marks the spot where the deceased spectator sat.

One spectator killed, two more were seriously injured in the stands behind President Trump. Aftermath of assassination attempt in Butler PA on 7/13/24.

Picture of the police snipers as they are taking out the Trump shooter

Picture of the police snipers as they are taking out the Trump shooter. Clearly the shooter was an excellent shot with high tech equi[ment. He was at a distance from President Trump, yet missed killing him by a fraction of an inch.


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