Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Articles from the July 4, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 9 of 9

  • Ukraine Army Fires Short Range Ballistic Missile Into Russian City of Belgorod. Three Civilians Dead in Russia

    David Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Jul 3, 2022

    14 RIA Novosti reports that a Ukrainian Tochka 21 Short Range Ballistic Missile or SRBM, has fallen in Belgorod, a city some 20 miles from the Ukrainian border inside Russia. "Reports of 3 dead in Belgorod, Russia this morning after air defense shoots down missiles. Governor says dozens of buildings damaged. Russian lawmakers calling for a severe response against Ukrainian attacks." Russia has been heavily criticized for over 100 instances of...

  • Excitement As New Technology Hits Corona Women's Prison: "We can call from the shower or bathtub!"

    Amber S. Jackson, Lucky Lifer|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    "Not a joke," as Joe Biden would say. Its true. On July 1, 2022 is prisoners will experience the next wave of technological development available to California state prisoners. It's well overdue and partially made possible by Covid-19. These tablets are being issued by parent company GTL, Global Tel Link, which already runs all of California's and many other states prisoner calling services. This program has been delayed by almost 2 years due to Covid. Game changer! Privacy. A...

  • Response to Caroline Torosis and Anastasia Foster on Rent Control

    Peter Borresen, Santa Monica resident|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    As Caroline and Anastasia say, rent control is for all tenants, but it is the rent challenged who they, understandably, use to justify emergency rent freezes, thus lumping all renters into one group. But using a subset of the group to set policy for all is the opposite of how progressive taxation and the redistribution of wealth is performed in any well-meaning democracy, such as ours. All taxation and economic policies need to account for individual wealth, to ease the...

  • Potential Asbestos Threat Halts Demolition of Parking Structure 3 in Downtown Santa Monica

    Alyssa Erdley, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    June 24, 2022 - The City of Santa Monica abruptly halted continuing its planned demolition of Parking Structure 3 downtown amid allegations it was not sufficiently protecting the public against exposure to asbestos and other contaminants. Residents and business and property owners have been noticing large amounts of dust in the air from the city's demolition of its own parking structure. According to local property owner John Alle, air dust samples taken by his environmental...

  • Thousands of Illegal Fireworks Seized in Azusa Just Before July 4th Holiday Weekend

    Alyssa Erdley, Observer Staff|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    A tip developed by a Community Violence Reduction Division investigator led to the seizure of 14,000 pounds of illegal fireworks in Azusa ahead of the 4th of July weekend. In a press release, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon said, "By embedding our prosecutors and investigators in the communities that we serve, we were able to secure valuable information that led to the safe removal of thousands of pounds of illegal fireworks." The district attorney's office...

  • Santa Monica City Attorney Allows Criminals to Repeat Offend Over and Over Again

    Peter DiChellis, Santa Monica resident|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    A Call-to-Action on Crime Dear Editor, I believe many Santa Monicans, rattled by an epidemic of brazen crime, are understandably furious at LA County DA George Gascon. They may not be aware, however, that the City of Santa Monica, not Gascon, has authority over violent misdemeanor prosecutions in our city, while Gascon's permissiveness, which the Council has failed to condemn, applies solely to felonies committed here. The combined effect is that lawbreakers, many of them...

  • Covid-19 Death Rate for Under-50 Population Negligible According to Los Angeles County Health Department

    Alyssa Erdley, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    June 24, 2022 - The death rates from Covid-19 for the past month have been so low for those under 50 years old that the Los Angeles County Health Department is unable to show them on a bar chart. Even the unvaccinated are not expiring from Covid at a rate that can be shown on the chart at the health department's Covid central. "Rates for some age categories are not shown due to small numbers," is the explanation given on the chart that only shows death rates for those over 50...

  • 'Bones Love Milk' skateboarding team shred at VidCon

    Christine Peake, Peake PR Group|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    The 'Bones Love Milk' skateboarding team were undoubtedly the main attraction at the 2022 Vidcon Convention this weekend, held at the Anaheim Convention Center. Bones Love Milk brought milk to the masses with the largest full-sized skate ramp ever at VidCon creating the ultimate skate session with their one-of-a-kind "shredquarters." With the help of their Pro team skaters including legendary Hall of Famer Christian Hosoi and Olympic athlete Bryce Wettstein, skaters of all...

  • Los Angeles County Predicted to Require Indoor Masks After Mid-July

    Alyssa Erdley, Observer Staff|Updated Jul 1, 2022

    June 23, 2022 - At a media briefing this afternoon, Dr. Paul Simon, the County Health Department's Chief Science Officer, pushed back the prediction for when transmission will reach the point of triggering new indoor mask mandates. Last week, the county had predicted that the 7-day cumulative hospitalization admission rate would exceed 10 per 100,000 people around June 30. Should hospital admission rate remain higher than that for two consecutive weeks, the health department...