Cubans do not even own their own blood. The communist dictatorship has been trading with it since the beginning of the revolution.
Chile--Cadem: Approval of President Gabriel Boric falls to 29%
Faced with the query: "Regardless of your political position, do you approve or disapprove of the way Gabriel Boric is conducting his Government?", 63% of those surveyed stated that they disapprove of the President's management and 29% that they approve. In addition, 5% "neither approve nor disapprove" and 3% "don't know / don't answer"....Read more >>
China - Cuba--China donated some 100 million dollars to Cuba
During the official visit that Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel recently concluded to the Asian giant, his deputy prime minister, Alejandro Gil, announced this Saturday. During the official conversations that Díaz-Canel held on Friday with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, "a donation from the Chinese side to our country was reported in the order of one hundred million dollars," Gil said in statements broadcast by Cuban television. ...Read more
The incessant murder of social leaders persecutes the Government of Petro
The assassination of social leaders does not stop in Colombia. Indepaz, the NGO that keeps track of these deaths, has reported that so far in 2022, 171 social defenders have been murdered, the same number of homicides committed in the entire previous year against environmental, union, and human rights leaders. ....Read more >>
The Cuban dictatorship steals the blood of its people to do business: 800 million dollars in the last 25 years
Cubans do not even own their own blood. The communist dictatorship has been trading with it since the beginning of the revolution. The business, which began with the sale of the forced extractions that were carried out on political prisoners before their execution in the 1960s, continues to this day....Read more >>
Cuba - Russia
Vladimir Putin and Miguel Díaz-Canel inaugurated a statue of Fidel Castro in Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin; and the Cuban dictator, Miguel Díaz-Canel, inaugurated a monument in Moscow in honor of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro....Read more >>
El Salvador
The Justice of El Salvador ordered the capture and trial of former President Mauricio Funes for agreeing with gangs
A court of Instruction in El Salvador sent former President Mauricio Funes (2009-2014) to trial on Wednesday for the truce that his government allegedly promoted with the gangs between 2012-2014, and issued an arrest warrant against the former president. ....Read more >>
United States
Chávez's former nurse disputes criminal charges in the US
Claudia Díaz, a former Venezuelan treasurer and nurse to the late President Hugo Chávez, is the first former high-ranking official to dispute criminal charges against her in the United States for corruption....Read more >>
Human rights
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights declares Nicaragua in 'permanent contempt'
The repeated disobedience of the Nicaraguan regime, headed by Daniel Ortega and his wife and Vice President Rosario Murillo, to the orders of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in relation to political prisoners, led this instance to declare in "permanent contempt" the rulers of the Central American country....Read more >>
Interamerican Institute for Democracy
American exceptionalism in division and conflict
American exceptionalism is the belief that the United States is unique among nations with respect to its democracy and individual freedoms. The idea of American exceptionalism stems from the American Revolution. In the opening paragraph of Federalist No. 1, Alexander Hamilton notes:......Read more >>
Peace as a ploy for impunity for crimes promoted by Cuba
Petro's actions, beyond opening the road to impunity for members of the ELN, covering up crimes against humanity, narcotics' trafficking, and terrorism, has crafted the double effect to seek Venezuela's dictatorship's reinstatement as subject of international law, placing dictator Nicolas Maduro as a Head of State advocating for peace above and beyond his condition as head of the "Los Soles Cartel" and the international arrest warrant with a $15 million dollar bounty for his capture. Castrochavism's international agenda, clearly designed by Cuba and now turned into Colombia's internal and foreign affairs....Read more >>
Ledezma presents his biographical book on Carlos Andrés Pérez in Miami
The Inter-American Institute for Democracy, made up of academics, politicians and businessmen of different nationalities, was in charge of the presentation in Miami of this 528-page volume, which brings together more than 60 interviews conducted from Madrid -where Ledezma lives in exile. -, some by phone, according to the author....Read more >>
The Hispanic challenge in the United States.
These successful groups of Hispanics, Latinos, in search of a better present and future, have achieved the great American dream, but they continue to dream in Spanish, which makes them special within the great nation of the North, and they are part of the Hispanic challenge. , and of a peaceful, silent and positive request, enriching for the country....Read more >>
Exalt legacy of former Venezuelan president Carlos Andrés Pérez
The presentation of the book Carlos Andrés Pérez: the president who died twice this Tuesday in Miami-Dade not only brought together family members and close friends of the former Venezuelan president who praised his legacy, without failing to mention his possible mistakes, but also served as a context to unravel the personality of the renowned politician who died in Miami in 2010. The book presentation ceremony was promoted by the Inter-American Institute for Democracy (IID), sponsored by DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, Hispano Post, El American, Infobae, CAP 100 , Fundación Inspira América and the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora....Read more >>
Antonio Ledezma presented his book "Carlos Andrés Pérez, the president who died twice"
In his work, the Venezuelan exile tells secrets and unpublished revelations about the life of the two-time president and offers a vivid account of his time in the highest sphere of government. The Interamerican Institute for Democracy presented this Tuesday the book "Carlos Andrés Pérez, the president who died twice" by Antonio Ledezma. The event took place at the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora, in Miami, at 6:00 p.m. local time (23 GMT). Marcell Felipe, creator of the Inspire America Foundation, gave a few words of welcome, and Tomás Regalado made a brief introduction...Read more >>
Ortega arrests the father of political prisoner Max Jerez
The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo arrested Max Jerez, father of the political prisoner of the same name, as reported by Divergentes on their social networks. Max Jerez Sr. is director of the San Francisco de Asís School, located in the Ciudadela Nicaragua neighborhood in the country's capital. ...Read more >>
The crude revenge of Daniel Ortega against the biggest sports star in Nicaragua
The Nicaraguan dictator ordered the removal of the name of the Dennis Martínez National Stadium, which honored the best baseball player of all time given by his country for his criticism of the regime...Read more >>
UN condemns that Daniel Ortega's regime refuses to cooperate with investigations of the organization
The United Nations Committee against Torture and the Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture have jointly condemned the refusal of the Government of Nicaragua, led by Daniel Ortega, to cooperate with the investigations of the two organizations....Read more >>
Nicaragua - Cuba
Daniel Ortega pays $11,000 to the official Cuban news agency to work for his regime
Daniel Ortega will deliver more than 403,374 córdobas (11,153.21 dollars) of funds from the State of Nicaragua to the official Cuban agency, Prensa Latina, to carry out "economic, social and political analysis" directed at the Presidency of the Republic. In 2020, the Government of Jeanine Áñez in Bolivia revealed that this agency had received between 1.2 and 2.2 million Bolivians (between 150,000 and 250,000 dollars) for propaganda for Evo Morales during his last three years in power...Read more >>
Venezuelan oil exports flow with the use of false documents and ships linked to Iran
When the supertanker Young Yong left for the Chinese port of Qingdao in September last year, it had quality certificates for its cargo indicating it was carrying Malaysian crude, according to documents reviewed by Reuters. However, satellite imagery and photos show the Chinese-owned ship had loaded the oil four months earlier in Venezuela, an OPEC partner country in South America that is under US oil sanctions....Read more >>
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