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Henry Kissinger Dies At The Age of 100. Nixon's Secretary of State immigrated to the US as a Boy, became one of the World's Most Influential Figures

Kissinger talked Sadat into peace with Israel at Camp David, talked Nixon into opening to China, and talked the US into withdrawing from Vietnam.

Henry Kissinger, the most significant American diplomat of the cold war has died at the age of one full century.

He was pilloried for working as Richard Nixon's Secretary of State. He was frequently mocked in the media. But in later years, Henry Kissinger was praised as a voice for moderation in US Foreign policy.

Remembered as a very significant figure in the 20th century history of the Middle East, Kissinger talked Sadat into peace with Israel at Camp David, through his famous shuttle diplomacy. His opening to China is still remembered, as he visited the Communist giant just last year. More diplomacy by Kissinger lead, for better or worse, to the end of the American involvement in Vietnam.

A few memorable Kissinger quotes: "Power is the ultimate aphrodesiac....Only Nixon could go to China.... Do not write off Putin and the Russians.”

In his late 90’s, he was still an insider. He spoke to Donald Trump when Trump was president. He was still advising Tony Blinken and Henry Kissinger.

Martin Indyk wrote Kissinger’s autobiography. He said that "with respect to Hamas and Gaza, Kissinger advised Joe Biden to be very careful about being too ambitious. He was conservative in his approach and deeply skeptical of his approach to peace. He said the pursuit of peace can lead to war. Pursue a balance of power in favor of those who sought to maintain power and stability and give time for people to come to terms with living with each other. Create a modicum of justice, so that both sides can feel they are getting something from working with each other. Try to find a way to end the conflict, and move toward reconciliation, with a real understanding that it will take a long time to get there from here.” This is Indyk, speaking on CNN 11.29.23, of Kissinger’s approach to Middle East peace.


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