Shani Louk's photos from Instagram, left, match the photos of the "female Israeli soldier" Hamas paraded around in the bed of a truck Saturday morning in Gaza.
Update 11/16/23: IDF says it has killed one of the terrorists who paraded Shani Louk’s naked body through the streets of Gaza on October 7th.
Update 10.30.23 Israel’s president says Shani Louk’s skull has been found, decapitated from her body.
The woman seen on video in the back of a pick-up truck driven by Palestinian terrorists through cheering crowds in Gaza has been identified. Shani Louk, 30, is a German citizen visiting Israel to attend the music festival for peace held near the Gaza border fence. Louk's leg tattoos (see photos below), clearly match those seen on Instagram.
Paraded around in the back of a bus by Hamas in Gaza, the naked woman was reported by Hamas to be a dead female Israeli soldier. Louk's body does not appear to be dead, because the pallor of her skin is not that of a corpse. Some news outlets are reporting that she bears fatal wounds in the images and is dead. But her safety or status is unknown. Except to say that if she is alive, she is now a hostage in Hamas led Gaza.
"The girl that has been kidnapped by the #Hamas is a 🇩🇪German national that was visiting the music festival. Her name is #ShaniLouk who goes by the name shanukkk on Instagram,"tweeted @Durantham
"I am a Muslim. And this is not in accordance with Islam. Women and children are not touched in war. I'm so sorry, I'm praying for you. Those who did this are not muslims." Posted M-Ate on Shanukkk's instagram.
Shani Louk's photos from Instagram match the photos of the woman Hamas paraded around on the back of a truck Saturday morning in Gaza.
The Hamas invasion of Israel, which began Friday night at 11 pm PST, has killed 300 Israeli's and wounded more than 1100. Israel has retaliated, and there are also hundreds of casualties in Gaza. A number of hostages were taken, including the 90 year old aunt of the IDF defense minister, and a 7 year old boy seen on video being abused by Gazan kids his age.
Israeli PM Netanyahu has vowed retaliation and urged calm. Iran's parliament praised the "blessed event," while it has been roundly condemned around the world by Western leaders including US President Joseph Biden and British PM Rishi Sunak.
Link to the disturbing video of Louk being paraded around Gaza, in the bed of a truck:
Last month, Louk posted to Instagram: "In the nature is more easy for me to connect to my spirit. The universe and my god, the sea the trees have they're own unique singing so we pray together, God will give you all you ask for ❤️🙏🏽”.
Louk's instagram profile is at
Update 10.8.23: Shani Louk’s mother appeals for the public’s help in finding her daughter, whom she believes is still alive.
Update 10.9.23: One of the war criminals involved in Shani Louk’s abduction, has been identified.
Is peace between Hamas and Israel somehow still possible? Stranger things have happened.
Reader Comments(6)
BTwoTheree writes:
Greylinesmatter- Please stop with the ridiculous, disproved & tired claims of a stolen 2020 election. The truth might hurt worse than the lies that soothe you, but your guy lost. His base supporters like him, but that's a shrinking minority. Far more loathe his very existence. Also it has nothing to do with the Hamas terrorist attack & the atrocities that were visited upon Shani Louk. If she is still alive, I hope she has no memory or awareness of the hideous display she was subjected to. I also hope she will be returned to her family & country. Hamas is disgusting & despicable. They are terrorists not a governing party and this isn't the answer to achieving a peaceful two state solution between Israel & Palestine. This isn't Islam either. It's barbaric trash. May the perpetrators all rot!
10/22/2023, 5:55 am
adlerit69 writes:
First: the Trump administration may have made agreements for the Afghanistan withdrawal, but it’s the Biden administration that botched it completely by withdrawing the military before the civilian staff. This wasn’t in the original agreement at all. Also, here is a piece from Sahih Muslim 2922: “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.“ Now please TRY to say that “this is not Islam”, because this is TEXTBOOK ISLAM!!!
10/08/2023, 6:27 am
derp writes:
Tragic event. Some commenters should do some research before posting. The $6 Billion dollars is still sitting in a Qatari bank untouched being monitored by the US Government.
10/08/2023, 4:55 am
Temp writes:
Joe retreat from Afghanistan? As part of the US–Taliban deal, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021. At the start of the Biden administration, there were 2,500 US soldiers in Afghanistan.
10/07/2023, 9:49 pm
PlasticGangsta writes:
It is not racism 2 acknowledge other cultures & peoples are different it is just realism. The author states these men are not muslims & yet the muslim population of my city of London are on the streets celebrating this act of terrorism. All western women are easy to these men & desperate for it. As such surely they are incompatible with our society. We afford them all the freedom of religion they require, the right 2 equal protection under the law yet these courtesies are not reciprocated in any way. If you flaunt your Christianity in a muslim country you will be punished by the law if the locals dont kill you first. I have thought 4 some time now that islam is fundamentally incompatible with modern western democracy. I dont want 2 sound melodramatic but they will destroy our societies from within if we dont start 2 defend ourselves. There is a reckoning coming & if we dont begin 2 recognise obvious truths & get out ahead of this thing then that reckoning will be bloody
10/07/2023, 7:40 pm
Graylinesmatter writes:
Thank Joe Biden and the 6 billion dollars he gave to Iran to fund this terrorist attack. The Ayatollah tweeted several days ago that this was coming. Then thank Joe for the 80 billion dollars in weapons he gave to Hamas via the Taliban and his panicked, rushed retreat from Afghanistan. Then thank all of the idiots that voted for him and the ones that funded and fraudulently scammed the 30 million fake ballots. Congrats you are all responsible for her death.
10/07/2023, 4:54 pm