Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Articles from the May 1, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 7 of 7

  • Let's Open Businesses on May 1 Instead of May 15, Governor Newsom

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated May 2, 2020

    On March 16, the City of Santa Monica, the County of Los Angeles and the State of California almost simultaneously began shutting down businesses, beginning with bars and gyms. Within days, both local and state authorities had shut down all but "essential" businesses. The length this lockdown was supposed to last was extended several times until the current deadline of May 15. Ostensibly, the reason for shutting down nearly all economic activity was to allow hospitals to ramp...

  • "Resist:" Temporary Closure Signs at Palisades Park Tagged as people are clearly tired of the shutdown.

    Sarah Storkin, Observer Staff Writer|Updated May 2, 2020

    We are now in our sixth week of Coronavirus shutdown and here in Santa Monica, residents are clearly developing cabin fever. People are traveling to Orange County on the weekends to go to beaches because Los Angeles County beaches are closed. Meanwhile Los Angeles County has an infection rate of .03% and a death rate of 0.005% due to Covid-19. When will this all end? Some people say it will end when we get sick of it and stop the authoritarianism leadership of LA county and...

  • "If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?"

    Stan Greene, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    "If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?" a reporter asked Trey Adams. "Uh,..... a bigger dick," he replied after a moment of thought. The reporter laughed. Trey Adams, a football tackle for the Buffalo Bills, recently dropped from a projected third round draft choice, to become an undrafted free agent. The reporter was really probably wondering whether Adams regretted that decision or not. The reporter probably wondered whether Adams could have done...

  • Naked Man Crashes Through Venice Roof Into Family Home on Rose Avenue

    Janet McLaughlin, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    A naked homeless man crashed through the roof of a Venice apartment he was apparently trying to enter. This according to a neighbor, who posted the incident and a photo on social media. "40 minutes later, after causing a lot of damage and terror, LAPD arrived and tased him," she wrote. The scene of the crime was Rose Ave in Venice, late Tuesday morning. It was posted on NextDoor: "[Just the new normal]( "This guy broke into an...

  • Can a Jersey Girl Find Happiness and Monarch Butterflies on the Central California Coast?

    Kathleen Berry, Edible Skinny|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    My sister and I are originally from the Jersey shore and although we live in a Bay Area waterfront community it doesn't offer the sights and the sounds of the ocean, any ocean. So after some research we planned a trip to the seaside town of Pismo Beach on the central California coast. Our trip was in early February, not a month with temperatures for swimming, but warm enough to enjoy a few days at the beach, south enough to be slightly warmer than in our hometown of Benicia. W...

  • The Benthophonicks: A Cartoon Starring a Christmas Tree Worm and a Venomous Blue-ringed Octopus

    Sabine Ganezer, Special to the Observer|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    Delilah Demilo is a frustrated songwriter, a college dropout, and a venomous blue-ringed octopus. In The Benthophonicks, my debut comic, she sets off on a journey to find herself as an artist, but ends up finding a bunch of randos on the way – randos who turn into unwanted bandmates... who ruin her plans... and turn into true friends! The story begins in Delilah's native town of Benthoston, at Hatt Hair, Ltd., a hair salon run by Xander the Jewish Christmas-tree worm – a mar...

  • SMCLC Urges Less Construction, Less Density After Covid-19 Lockdowns

    SMCLC|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    Dear City Manager and City Council, While reading Pro Developer Group Santa Monica Forward's letter about our city's finances, we're reminded of Naomi Klein's seminal work, The Shock Doctrine. In it, Ms. Klein posits that crises are often used as tools by those with power to push through agendas they had long sought but were unable to achieve through democratic means. A crisis provides the disruption and turmoil powerful interests need to accomplish long sought but unpopular...

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