Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Articles from the June 10, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 7 of 7

  • Russian Journalist Arrested on Drug Charges; Ribs Broken by Moscow Police, he claims

    DPA|Updated Jun 11, 2019

    Moscow (dpa) - Three of Russia's most popular newspapers united on Monday in support of journalist Ivan Golunov, who has been arrested on a questionable drug charge. The newspapers Vedomosti, Kommersant and RBC each published in large type on their cover page the phrase "I am/We are Ivan Golunov," accompanied by editorials calling for inquiries into the case. Golunov, arrested last week, is best known for writing hard-hitting investigative pieces about the Moscow city governme...

  • Hong Kong Police Clash with Student Protestors as One Million People take to the Streets

    Erin Hale, DPA|Updated Jun 10, 2019

    Hong Kong (dpa) - Hong Kong's largest protest in decades ended with clashes late Sunday as hundreds of protesters attempted to break through police barricades to enter government headquarters. Police used tear gas and batons on protesters, many of whom wore surgical masks and came from the pro-independence student groups. The clashes lasted around 30 minutes until around 12:20 am (16:20 GMT Sunday), the South China Morning Post reported, but stand-offs between police and...

  • Advocates Slam Himmelrich, Cole, Maceri over Homeless Services in Santa Monica

    Olga Zurawska, and Michael Louis|Updated Jun 10, 2019

    We oppose the extension of funding for OPCC dba The People Concern, unless the City commissions an independent fiscal and performance audit. If the City extends the funding, we propose it should be conditional for the next two years, with specific goals and benchmarks for the provider to meet each quarter, and with citizens' oversight formed within the first six months. This proposal should be welcomed by a City that aspires to be fiscally responsible, and a progressive...

  • A Tale of Las Cruces, Visiting The City Twice on a Road Trip From Vegas to Houston and Back

    Kat Thomas, Edible Skinny|Updated Jun 9, 2019

    About a month ago Edible Skinny was lucky enough to visit the city of Las Cruces in New Mexico. The city, on the edge of the Chihuahuan Desert, is located at the junction of Interstate Highways 10 (which is how I ended up there on the way from Las Vegas to Houston and back..) and 25 (of which it is the southern terminus). Las Cruces is the state's second largest city, with a population of approximately 101,047 (2012 Census estimate in case you were wondering), and is the site...

  • Ann Whitley Receives Award for Excellence at Roosevelt Elementary School, as she retires after 31 years.

    David Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Jun 9, 2019

    Ann Whitley taught at Roosevelt Elementary School starting 31 years ago, in 1988. This year, she retired. During that time, she team taught with several other teachers, including Angie Snow, Megan Cuevas, Martha Simmons and Carolyn Edwards. At a PTA meeting Tuesday at Roosevelt Elementary School, Ms. Whitley was presented with an Award for Excellence by the current Principal of Roosevelt, Lynda Holeva. "The team teaching we did was a departmentalized partnership where each...

  • Santa Monica Recycling Center Closes Due to National Recycling Crisis Caused by China's New Policy

    David Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Jun 9, 2019

    The City of Santa Monica has announced that the Recycling Center located on Michigan Avenue, has closed. The announcement was made on the City's website. "The Santa Monica Community Recycling Center, commonly known as the Buyback Center, will close effective June 15, 2019, until further notice. The City is in the process of identifying an option to work with a...

  • Tel Aviv Scooters Irk Some, Delight Others. As cities around the world brace for a wave of battery-powered scooters

    Sara Lemel, dpa|Updated Jun 9, 2019

    Tel Aviv (dpa) - Tel Aviv likes to think of itself as the "city that never sleeps" and electric scooters, which many residents are now using to get about, fit perfectly with that image. But they have downsides as well as advantages. Daniel Dorfman rents a scooter at least once a day. "It's quick, you don't run into traffic jams and it's a lot cheaper than the alternatives," says the doctor, who migrated to Israel from Costa Rica. He always rides on the bicycle path and says...