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You have no doubt heard the story of 13 brave border guards on Snake Island, 20 miles or so South of the Ukraine coast. When a Russian frigate captain told the border guards to surrender for their own safety, otherwise he would drop a bomb on them, they told the captain to "fuck off." He then blew them all up Not so, says RT.Com. The border guards were in a group of 83 border guards, transported by Russian navy to Sevastopol in Crimea on February 24th. The 13 are alive and...
Ukraine president Vladimir Zelensky posted a video on social media claiming that the President of Belarus promised to end access to Ukraine for Russian troops massed in Belarus, pending peace talks at the Belarus border. This according to a translation in a Russian language website based in Ukraine. This according to Obozrevatel, a Russian language website based in Ukraine. Lukashenko is a dictator closely aligned with Russian President Vladimir Putin, so the promise seems...
Think back for a moment to the place you grew up. You may be living elsewhere now yet when you go back to where you are from, a rush of memories spring about. A state of nostalgia may be induced, remembering the 'good old days.' There may be some major changes such as new buildings and old hang out spots that are no longer there; yet a sense of community - what it meant to grow up there - remains. Nestled just west of the hustle and bustle that is Los Angeles, lies Santa...
As the days go by, I never cease to be fascinated by the dynamics of prison staff behavior. I've learned so much about the psychology of human behaviors. And the more I learn, the more I want to know. I've become a bit if a mentalist throughout my prison journey. I'm obsessed with watching people and discerning why they do whatever they do. Prison staff are an endless source of material to study. At first thought you might assume that prisoners might be more interesting to...
Ask Rusty – About Survivor Benefits for Minor Children Dear Rusty: My nephew died suddenly at 50 years of age and left 2 children, ages 17 and 14. He was divorced, but they were married for more than 10 years, and his ex-wife works as a nurse. My nephew worked for more than 10 years during his lifetime. I want to know if the children are eligible for survivor benefits and the amount of benefits they will receive, and if their mother's income will affect their eligibility. A...
February 25, 2022 - Today, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health, is graciously allowing Los Angeles County residents to unmask indoors - after showing vaccine verification and provided the business owner takes other precautions. The unvaccinated are not allowed to take off their masks because, as Ferrer said yesterday to the press, the vaccinated "get infected at a lower rate," and thus "it's a safer environment" to unmask when only the vaxxed are...
February 22, 2022 - The Association of Deputy District Attorneys, representing over 800 prosecutors working in the county of Los Angeles, voted today to support the recall of their boss, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon. In a vote with 83.3% participation, the highest level of any previous ADDA election, 97.9% of respondents elected to support his recall. The ADDA had asked Gascon to meet with them and explain why they should not vote to recall him, but he...
Making the rounds on social media is a one minute video of an interchange between 2 or 3 Russian soldiers in an armored personnel carrier, and a passing motoriston a country road. "Are you guys broken down?" the man asks the soldiers. "Out of fuel," one Russian soldier says. "Can I tow you back to Russia?" the Ukrainian jokes. The Russian soldiers laugh sarcastically in reply. The Ukranian drivers asking the soldiers if they know where they are going. One says, "to Kyiv," and...