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Sounds of high-volume music punctuated the festive atmosphere as the eatery, Everytable, made its grand opening last Wednesday at the Compton Towne Center. Sam Polk, former Wall Street hedge fund trader, and the CEO of this new fast food model, started Everytable to "make healthy food affordable for everybody." Compton marks Everytable's sixth location. There are five others including the first, which opened in South L.A. in 2016. The others are in Santa Monica, Century City,...
Tuesday, September 11th, Homeland Security agents arrested a thirty-year old Marine Corps Veteran, Cory Richard Morgan Gleeson, during a 9/11 Occupy ICE L.A. rally to shut down the Metropolitan Detention Center, in front of the Alameda Street entrance of the facility. Gleeson had joined activists at the event, hosted by Occupy ICE L.A. and ten other grassroots groups so that he could learn more about the Abolish ICE movement. Protesters and activists mobilized to occupy the...
From bartender to rising political star, Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez, Bronx born congressional candidate, whirled through Los Angeles last week during her campaign fundraising tour. Running on a message of economic, social and racial dignity for the working class, Cortez, in a stunning victory, unseated 10th term incumbent, Joe Crowley, in New York’s 14th congressional district in the elections this past June. During her primaries campaign, she called to attention Crowley’s vote...
When conditions are such that there is no access to clean, safe drinking water, or edible food, the only way to be heard is to go on a hunger strike. This is exactly what a group of eight asylum seekers did at the Adelanto detention facility, in San Bernardino, on June 12th, 2017. After an arduous journey, these eight Central American men arrived at the southern border of United States seeking political asylum in May, 2017. They were forced to flee El Salvador and Honduras,...
At the San Diego border last Friday, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Tekae Michael jumped out of the van with her partner, Agent Theron Francisco, to catch up with two male "give ups," who had crossed the border and were walking toward the agents. Agent Michael said, "When we see illegal aliens walking East West, they are looking for someone they can turn themselves into, and they are referred to as "give-ups." Most likely, according to Agent Michael, they were going to claim asylum...
Sat, June 30th, the rally to end the mass detention of immigrants, "Families belonging together: Freedom for Immigrants," began at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles. Protesters then marched together to the Federal Building and the Downtown Los Angeles Metropolitan Detention Center. The event began at 11 am and ended approximately 4 hours later. Approximately 75,000 protesters attended the rally, making it the largest Families Belong Together demonstration in Los Angeles....
Sunday, June 3rd, in a Hollywood nightclub, Academy, hundreds of fans assembled to witness lead runner for the Gubernatorial race, Gavin Newsom, in his "Courage for a Change," rally. At 33 per cent in the lead, 48 hours before the close of the polls, Newsom sent the message out loud and clear, to get out the vote. Strobe lights danced across the floor. A post modern fresco alighted the ceiling with the rolling blue waves of California's coast. Above, the forever waves of...
Alison Hartson, is running her campaign to unseat Senator Feinstein on people and policy over profit and politics. Hartson, 37-years old, and national director of the Wolf-Pac group that tries to get money out of politics, wants to get the "politics out of politics" as she's vowed not to take a single dime of corporate or PAC money. Also, she does not believe in the endorsing of candidates From public high school teacher, to builder of an intervention program for at risk...
United Teachers of Los Angeles have joined the teacher rebellion that’s been sweeping the country from West Virginia to California. More than 12,000 union and community members marched in the “Rally for Respect” demonstration this past Thursday. Teachers sent out their message to LAUSD and the new superintendent, Austin Beutner. They demand a fair contract and a sustainable school district for all. LAUSD educators have been working without a contract for one year At the “All i...
The Playa del Rey gas storage field, owned and operated by Southern California Gas Company, was purchased by SoCal Gas in 1953 as field surplus. The storage facility dates back to pre World War Two years, with active wells having been drilled as far back as the 1930's. It is the oldest gas storage facility in Los Angeles. Currently, according to Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, a division of California public Utilities commission 25 of the 54 wells at the...
California's Pacific waters could be in peril if Trump's proposal to open up sensitive coastlines becomes a reality. Oceana's Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Sharpless, said, "Offshore drilling and oil spills threaten entire ecosystems." At last Saturday's "Offshore Oil Drilling's Threat to Our Coast," forum, presented by Malibu Township council, the panelists discussed the environmental and economic impact Trump's Adminstration's drilling plan could have on Southern...
It's not Russia's interference with the 2016 elections that tilted the vote Trump's way, but rather a dark force hiding in the shadows of his campaign, which is the subject of the French journalist and documentarian, Thomas Huchon's film, Trumping Democracy: Real$ "Fake News" "Your Data," that was released last December. As we take our "mystery tour," through Huchon's film, we travel down paths of dark money, algorithms, sharp tools of the digital trade, and psychometrics, as...
A month before Wall Street's recent correction shared media headlines with all things Trump, columnist David Von Drehel of the Washington Post said that a recession, slump, or "God forbid a crash, " lay ahead. Drehel might have been prescient, but let's hope last week's plunge won't turn into a full-blown crash. The good news of the January jobs report ( brought sunshine to the economy, along with a hailstorm for the market as...
This past Saturday, hundreds of protesters packed the Santa Monica Pier at the Protect the Pacific rally, to take a stand against Trump's plan to dramatically increase offshore drilling off the California Coast. Senator Ben Allen of California's 26th district, along with the Ocean Protectors Coalition of Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples, Aim SoCal, Sierra Club, Heal the Bay, the Center for Biological Diversity and many other groups joined together to show strong unified...
Saturday, January 21st, 2018, the day that marks the one year anniversary of Trump's inauguration approximately 500,000 people took to the streets of downtown Los Angles, to participate in the annual Woman's March that also took place in other cities across the nation. While the people marched, instead of celebrating his one year anniversary in Mar-a-lago, President Trump remained in Washington to deal with the government shut down that was the result of a dispute between Trum...
Since last summer, divisiveness has grown in Mar Vista over the "road diets," that City Council member Mike Bonin implemented, as part of the Los Angeles' " Vision Zero Great Streets" initiative that included improving traffic safety. Grass roots group, "Recall Bonin," has been going after the Venice Boulevard lane reductions in it's effort to unseat Mike Bonin in Council District 11, which spans several regions of the Westside, including Mar Vista, Venice, and Playa del Rey....
Doctor Jeffrey Nordella shared the results of his toxic health study to a packed audience of North Valley residents in the Woodland Hills Hilton last Saturday, Oct. 14th The meeting was hosted by the local 501(c)(3) non profit group, Save Porter Ranch, and the environmental organization, Food and Water Watch. It is apparent that the doctor really cares about the people and the science. Months ago, at a press conference, he said, "I will not deviate from the people. We all...
The mainstream media has called Dr. Andrew Wakefield, subject of the recently released "The Pathological Optimist," the "father of the anti-vaccine movement." Dr. Wakefield, who currently resides with his family in Austin, Texas, has been on the road promoting the new documentary film, "The Pathological Optimist," which is a much more fitting description of the former academic gastroenterologist. According to Dr. Wakefield, he is not part of an anti-vaccine movement, but...
On September 13, 2017, activist groups Save Porter Ranch and Food and Water Watch hosted a rally, "Health Crisis Cover Up in North Valley! " The purpose of this event was to support Dr. Jeffrey Nordella, the only doctor helping Porter Ranch and San Fernando Valley residents cope with the toxic exposure from Aliso canyon," they said. According to Save Porte Ranch's Facebook page, this sudden termination for Dr. Nordella could be a cover up, since he was the only doctor helping...
Not since Wounded Knee in 1973, has there been such a great gathering of indigenous tribes as there were in Standing Rock. The first camps were set up in August, 2016, along the Missouri and Cannonball rivers. A year later, 2017, the tribe has achieved a significant victory over an environmental justice analysis. The case is Standing Rock v U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. What began as the protests aimed to protect and defend the water, sacred burial sites, and wildlife habitat...
Activists believe Playa del Rey gas storage facility could be the next to have a massive methane leak, following Aliso Canyon. Environmental group, Food and Water Watch, in a promotional flyer, warns to "stop the next methane blow out." Owned and operated by SoCalGas Company, The Playa gas storage field has 54 active gas wells. It's older than Aliso Canyon, and was built in 1942 by reconstructing old oil wells that were mostly empty. At a meeting in Marina del Rey last April,...
In April, Food & Water Watch held a meeting at the Marina del Rey Lloyd Taber Library for concerned residents to learn about the urgency of the need to shut down Playa del Rey gas storage facility. According to La Curbed, in 2016, just months after SoCal Gas Company plugged up the methane leak at its Aliso Canyon storage facility in Porter Ranch, a concern about potential leaks was brewing at the Playa del Rey gas storage field. The Aliso Canyon had the worst methane leak in U...
Venice Beach, CA is still where the action is today, in its new, improved and future form. Snap, the technology boom, the rise of digital capitalism, and Snapchat as the disrupter of social media all intersect where the economy and culture of Venice meet. According to Forbes, Snap was considered the disrupter of social media in 2013. Business Insider called Snap a "socially augmented reality platform," which has taken the digital platform to another level. Snapchat is the...
On April 29th, 2017, a local Wilmington group called PCM, (People's Climate March), will march in the community for environmental justice. The focus for this march is the current Tesoro(formerly known as Texaco) refinery merger project which plans to merge two refineries together, one in Wilmington, the other in Carson, rendering it the largest refinery on the West Coast. This merger threatens the community with serious climate change and health implications for the...
March 2, angry Venetians demonstrate outside of SNAP INC's Venice headquarters for the third day in a row. The technology company, with its nascent IPO has become a political issue for the March 7th LA City Council District 11 race. Incumbent Mike Bonin is running against his opponents, Robin Rudisill, former CPA, CFO, and chair of the Venice LUPC(land use and planning committee), and Mark Ryavec, founder of VSA, and former chief debuty tax assessor for LA County. Amidst SNAP'...